3 Signs You’re Ready For A Career Change

Have you been questioning your career choice? Feeling burnt out and unmotivated in your day to day? If you answered yes to the above, you might be ready for a career change.

Before you jump ship, though, definitely take some time to reflect on your job, company, and industry as a whole. No one job is perfect, but chances are, if you’re having consistent doubts and worries about your current job situation, it might be time to rethink things.

Here are a few telltale signs to look out for that will help you know if you’re ready for a career change.

1. You Don’t Feel Challenged or Inspired

It’s one thing to get frustrated or bored doing menial tasks like paperwork or answering emails, but it’s another thing if your days are filled with nothing but boredom. If you’re going into every work day just waiting for the hours to pass so you can go home, chances are, your job isn’t challenging or inspiring you in the ways it should.

Work isn’t everything, but it should grant you some sort of fulfillment. So, if your job is sapping more joy and energy than it’s giving you back, it might be time to look for something else. 

A great way to help you make sense of your current job and how to transition into another job is to make a list of all the things you do and don’t like about this job. This will help you focus your priorities and look for roles that could play to your strengths and allow you to do more of what you love.

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2. You’re Suffering From Burnout

Fatigue, increased anxiety, lack of motivation, loss of appetite, mental fog. If you’re suffering from one, all, or more of these symptoms, it might be time for a break. Take notice of how often you experience these things, and more importantly, if these feelings correlate with your job. This will help you determine if you’re just in need of a vacation, or an entire career change.

It’s normal to experience some exhaustion from time to time, but at the end of the day, your job shouldn’t cause you constant, never-ending stress. If it’s having negative consequences on other areas of your life, pay attention. 

3. You Keep Wondering About A Different Career

While it’s totally normal to do a bit of daydreaming and zone out from time to time, take notice if you’re doing this constantly during the work day; and specifically, if you’re imagining yourself in a different job altogether. If this is the case, consider the fact that you may have outgrown your job, and that’s okay.

Obviously, changing jobs can be an adjustment and you have to take real-life concerns like finances into account, but if you’re in a place where you can take the leap, making a career change might be just what you need.

If you read through this blog post and found yourself saying “yes,” take this as a sign that you’re ready for a career change. You’ve got this. 


Meet The Writer!

Hello! My name is Lea Rose and I am an avid writer with a love for all things international. I recently graduated from UNC Charlotte with degrees in Communication Studies as well as Dance Performance and hope to be a full time travel writer one day. My writing primarily focuses on the ways places and experience shape us as individuals. Please feel free to check out my blog or connect with me through LinkedIn or Instagram @writtenworldblog.



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