4 Ways To Improve Employee Engagement In The Office

What makes up a company? Some may think it’s the product, the brand, or even the goals. But honestly, it’s none of those things. The workers make up the company, and having their involvement and enthusiasm can make or break an organization. The more engaged they are, the better the company will be. Check out these four ways to improve employee engagement in the office.

Understanding Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal human response to stress, but for some individuals, it can become excessive and interfere with their daily life. Anxiety disorders are a group of mental health conditions that involve excessive worry or fear, and can affect an individual's ability to function in their personal and professional lives. There are several types of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. 

As a coach, I find the key to coaching an employee with anxiety, or speaking with anyone challenged by anxiety, is to understand how their specific anxiety manifests for them, how anxiety feels to them, their lived experience with anxiety etc. You don’t want to assume or generalize people’s experience, but rather, ask questions to gain understanding and clarity to better understand how to help that specific individual. 

Honesty and Transparency

No one wants to work in an environment where there are secrets and lies. The relationship between a company and its employees needs to be an honest one. Employees want to know that the place they’re working at is one they can trust and depend on.

Have an Open-Door Policy

Keep an open-door policy. When there are new developments and changes within the company, make sure everyone knows about them. Having them weigh in on some of the decisions makes them feel valued and heard. And those are two things at the core of engagement.

Training and Coaching

Provide employees with resources and options to elevate inside the company. The retention or current engagement might be off right now because the workers feel stuck at one level. Employees want to know that they have an opportunity to grow within a company.

Give Better Opportunities

Different training and coaching sessions give them a chance to learn more about the business and different departments. And when the time comes to level up, they’ve gone through the training to do so. They won’t look outside of the company for better opportunities.

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Listening and Learning

In order to lead, you need to follow. Regular employee feedback can transform your organization for the better. Listen to what employees have to say and learn from it. They know the day-to-day better than anyone else.

Act on the Feedback

When you hear from your workers, you can put their suggestions into play, and they’ll recognize that. Having the big boss make a change based on one suggestion speaks volumes. Employees invest in a business that they feel is invested in them. Start the relationship off that way so that the engagement never wavers.

Mingling and Celebrating

All work and no play make the office a dull place. Take a break every now and then. There’s a reason why it’s called happy hour, and the office deserves some laughs.

Take Time To Celebrate

Give your employees an early ending day and invite them somewhere for a social hour. Celebrate the big wins and the small ones. When they do a job well, shine some light on the achievement and the individual or team responsible. Everyone loves a shout-out.

Improving employee engagement doesn’t have to be a difficult task. If you care for your team, it’s a piece of cake.


Meet The Writer!

Hi! My name is Nadia Ibrahim-Taney and I help people design happy and fulfilling careers through authentic career coaching. My expertise includes career exploration guidance, resume writing, interview prep and LinkedIn profile optimization. My pronouns are She/ Her/ Hers and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I focus on how diverse identities impact and influence folks holistically and professionally. Please connect with me on LinkedIn or at Nadia@beyonddiscoverycoaching.com 



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