6 Ways To Ace Your Internship Interview: Preparation and Practice Tips

So, you've got an internship interview coming up? That's awesome! It's your chance to show them what you're made of and snag that dream opportunity. Here are some super cool and simple tips to help you rock your internship interview like a boss. 

1. Do Your Homework, Yeah?

First things first, do your homework! No, we're not talking about math equations here. Use technology to research the company inside out and get to know their mission, values, and projects. Show them you're genuinely interested in what they do, it’ll definitely earn you some brownie points. 

2. Dress to Impress (But Be Yourself!)

While first impressions matter, you don't need to wear a tux or a ball gown. Dress professionally, but let your personality shine through. Rock that outfit that makes you feel confident and comfortable, like your lucky sneakers or that cool blazer. The key is to look polished and show off your true self!

3. Practice Makes Perfect (Or Close Enough!)

Let's face it, nobody's born acing interviews. You need to practice beforehand to boost your confidence. Grab a friend, a parent, or even your pet and do a mock interview. Prepare answers to common questions and work on your delivery. You'll be nailing those answers in no time!

4. Showcase Your Superpowers (aka Skills)

This is your chance to showcase your superpowers! Highlight your skills, experiences, and achievements that are relevant to the internship. But don't just list them out like a robot. Tell engaging stories that demonstrate how you used those skills and made an impact. Bam! You'll leave 'em in awe!

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5. Ask Questions, Be Curious

Remember, an interview is a two-way street. It's not just about them asking you questions; it's your chance to ask questions too. Here’s our 10 perfect interview questions to get you started. With these questions, you’re looking to show your curiosity and interest in the company and the role. Ask about their culture, team dynamics, and any burning questions you have. It shows you're serious about making an informed decision!

6. Be Yourself and Let Your Awesomeness Shine

Last but not least, be yourself! Be authentic, genuine, and let your awesomeness shine. Remember, they're not just looking for someone who can do the job but also someone who fits their team. So, relax, be confident, and let your true colors shine bright. You got this!

Now go out there, rock that internship interview, and show 'em what you're made of. Remember, you're awesome, and this is your time to shine. Good luck, rockstar!

Looking for more internship specific information? Download The Ultimate Intern eBook. In this free eBook, we’ve compiled our best content, tips, tricks and insider knowledge to help you not only land an internship but be successful while on the job.


Meet The Writer!

Hi! My name is Nadia Ibrahim-Taney and I help people design happy and fulfilling careers through authentic career coaching. My expertise includes career exploration guidance, resume writing, interview prep and LinkedIn profile optimization. My pronouns are She/ Her/ Hers and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I focus on how diverse identities impact and influence folks holistically and professionally. Please connect with me on LinkedIn or at Nadia@beyonddiscoverycoaching.com 



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