6 Ways To Advance and Enhance Your Career When Working Remotely

The world had to turn on a dime when COVID-19 hit. Suddenly, businesses accustomed to face-to-face transactions had to figure out a way to stay afloat amid all the lockdowns and government restrictions due to the pandemic. In addition, employees working from offices now had to work remotely. 

What seemed like a temporary solution to a global problem is now looking like a smart business move. Businesses are learning that an excellent contingent worker like freelancers can be as valuable an investment as on-site employees. All they need are the right tools to improve productivity and an adaptable business model that works for both remote and on-site work. 

There was a popular misconception that remote work does not favor your career. But the mass movement to remote work, especially in the past couple of years, has proved that remote work does not hinder achieving your career goals.

As employees continue to perform well, hit, and even surpass their metrics regardless of the work-from-home setup, promotions are happening left and right.

Career goals are not stagnating. The ways to achieve them are just evolving.

Here are 6 tips to enhancing or advancing your career while working remotely.

1. Keep Hitting Your Metrics

Regardless of where you currently park your work laptop, it would be best if you kept up with your metrics. Working remotely is not a free pass to slack off. It is even more important now to let your work speak for itself.

Management can’t see you. Your boss cannot drop by your workstation to check in on you. Ensure that they see your progress, keep meeting your SLAs, don’t miss your deadlines, and turn in quality work.

  • Be dependable.

  • Doing so will keep you on the radar come promotion time.

  • Keep your eye on your goal and work smart.

2. Avoid Burning Out By Adhering To Work Hours

When you have a goal in mind and a burning passion for achieving it, the temptation to pull overtime to prove yourself is ever-present. In a study done in 2021, researchers found that remote workers are logging around 2.5 more hours of overtime than their pre-pandemic numbers.

These overtime hours pile on day after day, causing more stress and anxiety until it ultimately leads to burnout. According to a survey, more than 80% of remote workers experience burnout. And once you burn out, your work will suffer. And that path to your goal will seem even longer. 

So work within your specified work hours. Do not forget to take your breaks. And never bring your breaks in front of your work computer. Instead, stand up, walk around, listen to music while enjoying your lunch. These will do wonders for your stress levels and stave off burnout.

3. Collaborate

It’s even trickier now to do this. Face-to-face was easy when it came to collaboration. You can drop in on your co-worker at any convenient time and work together. Remote work does not allow you that luxury.

So make use of the tools that your company has for collaboration. Ping your co-workers to catch up. Keep everyone updated through emails, meetings, and messages when collaborating on a project.

Collaborating effectively with your team will show them that you value their contribution and can contribute to a shared goal.

4. Volunteer For Projects

If you find a project that can be done remotely, volunteer to participate. Be proactive. If you have a skill set needed for a specific project, raise your hand and actively participate. This signals to management that you are willing to go the extra mile.

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You are showing the company that you are invested in their growth as they are and that you are eager to put in the extra work to help make it happen.

This can even be construed as a leadership skill and can help put you in a leadership position!

5. Develop Your Business Communication Skills

Because you are working remotely, most of your communication with your counterparts and colleagues is done digitally. Emails take the lion’s share of communication when doing remote work.

So you need to be able to write straightforward, concise, and professional emails. A poorly worded message can make you look less intelligent. Using jargon or highfalutin words may muddy your message.

There are excellent resources online that can help you write business emails better. Communication is an essential skill needed in leadership positions.

So if you are eyeing a leadership role, take advantage of those online business writing courses.

6. Ask

The most straightforward path to your goal is to ask. Talk with your manager about your career goals. The both of you can then plan how you can achieve your goals.

Actively ask for feedback.

Feedback will inform you of the skills you have yet to develop or weak points that you need to improve. Learn to accept feedback not as a criticism but as a tool to help you improve.

Remember, there is no harm in asking. And who better to ask how to reach your goal than someone who has already achieved it?


Meet The Writer!

Hello! My name is Kat and I hold a degree in Master of Science in Biology. I authored scientific journals about molecular biology. To take a break from the scientific pieces I'm working on, I am distressed by writing about lifestyle, business, tech, even general articles. Read my articles and you might learn a thing or two! You can connect with me through Twitter: @KatSarmiento007.



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