7 Most Common Internship Interview Questions (+Answer Examples)

If you’ve been following our blog, you’ve probably noticed we spend a lot of blog space writing about internships. And that’s because they are just THAT important! Not only for students and young professionals starting out but also for employers who want a young crop of fresh talent. 

In this post, we dive super deep into common interview questions you’ve written in and asked us about plus helpful tips on how to answer these questions with examples! 

Question #1: "Tell us about yourself."

This will undoubtedly be the most common interview question you’ll get when securing an internship. It’s so important, we actually wrote an entire blog post just on how to answer the “Tell me about yourself” question. A great answer provides a concise and engaging introduction highlighting your relevant experiences and skills and demonstrates your enthusiasm and passion for the internship. 

Answer Example: 

"Hi, I'm Alex, a super excited and passionate high school student with a love for technology and design. Ever since I got my hands on my first computer, I've been hooked on exploring the digital world and creating cool things.

In school, I've been actively involved in the robotics club, where I've learned to collaborate with a team to design and build robots that compete in local competitions. This experience has not only honed my problem-solving skills but also ignited my curiosity for how technology can change the world.

Outside of school, you'll often find me tinkering with graphic design projects. I'm a self-taught designer and enjoy using tools like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to bring my creative ideas to life. I've even had the opportunity to work on a few freelance projects, designing logos and graphics for local businesses.

What really excites me about this internship is the opportunity to combine my passion for technology and design. I've been following your company's innovative projects and the way you're pushing the boundaries of user experience design. It would be a dream come true to contribute to your team and learn from industry professionals.

In a nutshell, I'm a tech-savvy student with a strong knack for design, eager to dive into real-world projects and make a meaningful impact. I believe this internship is the perfect next step for me to further develop my skills, gain valuable industry experience, and contribute to the exciting work you're doing."

Question #2: "Why are you interested in this internship?"

Clearly, you’ve already applied to the internship, meaning you’re interested. So why do employers ask why you are interested in the role? Well, it’s a great opportunity to showcase your knowledge of the company and its mission, discuss how the internship aligns with your personal and career goals and to explain what aspects of the internship appeal to you most. Let’s continue with Alex, our tech student, for this answer example. 

Answer Example: 

"I'm really excited about this internship opportunity because it perfectly aligns with my passion for technology and design. Your company has an outstanding reputation for its innovative approach to user experience design, and that really resonates with me.

I've been following your projects and have been amazed by how your team combines cutting-edge technology with creative design to create seamless and user-friendly experiences. I'm particularly drawn to the way you prioritize user needs and strive for simplicity and elegance in your designs.

Being part of your internship program would not only allow me to contribute to the incredible work your team is doing but also provide me with a valuable learning experience. I'm eager to dive into real-world projects, collaborate with industry professionals, and gain hands-on experience in applying design principles to solve complex problems. I'm thrilled at the prospect of joining your team and being part of the journey to create exceptional user experiences."

Question #3: "What skills or experiences make you a good fit for this role?"

Highlighting transferable skills and relevant experiences with specific examples that demonstrate your abilities is a perfect way to answer these behavioral type interview questions. Let’s see how Alex, our tech student, would reply to this question. 

Answer Example: 

“I believe my combination of technical skills, creativity, and hands-on experience makes me a great fit for this role. First and foremost, my strong foundation in technology sets me apart. I have a solid understanding of programming languages like Python and Java, as well as experience with web development frameworks like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This technical proficiency enables me to quickly adapt to new tools and technologies, which I believe is essential in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

I've dedicated a significant amount of time honing my skills in graphic design and user interface design. Through self-directed learning and freelance projects, I've gained practical experience in creating visually appealing and user-friendly designs. I'm comfortable using design software such as Adobe Creative Suite, and I continuously stay updated with the latest design trends and best practices.

Additionally, I've had the opportunity to work on team-based projects, such as robotics competitions and collaborative design challenges. These experiences have enhanced my communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. I'm comfortable working in a fast-paced, collaborative environment and thrive when given the opportunity to contribute my skills to a team's success.”

Question #4: "Tell us about a challenge you faced and how you overcame it."

In this question, you want to pick a relevant challenge that demonstrates resilience and problem-solving. You’ll want to describe the steps you took to address the challenge and highlight the positive outcome and lessons learned. 

Answer Example: 

"Sure, I'd be happy to share a challenge I faced and how I overcame it. Last year, I took part in a hackathon where we had to develop a web application within a tight timeframe. It was an intense and exhilarating experience, but it also presented several challenges along the way.

One of the major obstacles we encountered was a communication breakdown within our team. We were working on different components of the project simultaneously, but our lack of proper coordination led to conflicts and duplication of efforts. This not only slowed down our progress but also affected the overall quality of our work.

To address this challenge, I took the initiative to facilitate better communication within the team. I suggested daily stand-up meetings where we discussed our progress, shared updates, and identified any roadblocks. This allowed us to align our efforts, clarify expectations, and identify potential conflicts early on.

In addition to improved communication, I proposed using project management tools like Trello to track our tasks and deadlines. By creating a shared board, we could visualize our progress, assign responsibilities, and stay on top of our deliverables. This streamlined our workflow, improved accountability, and helped us manage our time effectively.

Ultimately, we were able to deliver a functional web application that impressed the judges and placed us among the top teams in the competition. This experience taught me the value of proactive problem-solving, effective teamwork, and adaptability in overcoming challenges. I now understand the importance of clear communication, collaboration, and maintaining a positive team dynamic, even in high-pressure situations."

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Question #5: "How do you handle working in a team?"

As an intern, you will rarely be working on your own with no team support, so understanding how you work in a team is important to employers. In this answer, discuss your teamwork skills and experiences and provide examples of successful collaborations.

Answer Example: 

"Working in a team is something I truly enjoy, and I've had some amazing experiences collaborating with others on academic projects. One particular project that comes to mind is a research paper we had to complete as a team for our science class.

In this project, we were tasked with investigating the impact of climate change on local ecosystems. As a team, we had to divide the workload, conduct research, analyze data, and compile our findings into a comprehensive report. 

I took on the role of team organizer. I created a shared online space where we could collaborate, track our progress, and share resources. This allowed us to stay organized, meet deadlines, and have a centralized location for all project-related materials. Regular check-ins and status updates helped us stay accountable and ensured that everyone was on the same page.

I utilized my research skills to gather relevant scientific articles, while another team member with strong data analysis skills took the lead in crunching the numbers. This division of labor allowed us to work efficiently and leverage each other's strengths.

By the end of the project, our collaborative efforts paid off. We not only produced a comprehensive research paper but also delivered an engaging presentation to the class. I’m excited to bring my collaborative spirit, effective communication skills, and commitment to achieving shared goals to any team environment I encounter."

Question #6: "Tell us about a time when you demonstrated leadership."

This question provides a great space to show the interviewer a little more about who you are, and your personal interests. In this answer, describe your actions and the impact they had and discuss what you learned from the experience.

Answer Example: 

One experience where I had the opportunity to demonstrate leadership was during a crucial basketball game last season. Our team was trailing behind, and the energy on the court was starting to dwindle. That's when I knew it was time to step up and lead by example.

As the point guard, I recognized the need to rally the team and boost morale. During a timeout, I gathered my teammates and delivered an uplifting pep talk, reminding them of our shared goals and the importance of staying focused. I emphasized that we needed to work together and support one another to turn the game around.

During the game, I took on a more vocal and assertive role on the court. I communicated plays, provided encouragement, and directed the team's strategy. I made a conscious effort to lead by example, giving my all in every play and showing a relentless work ethic. By demonstrating my commitment and determination, I inspired my teammates to give their best efforts as well.

Through my leadership, we were able to regain our momentum and secure a victory. More importantly, I witnessed a positive shift in the team's dynamics and mindset. By stepping up as a leader, I was able to inspire confidence, foster teamwork, and create an environment where everyone felt valued and supported.

This experience taught me the significance of leadership in motivating and uniting a team towards a common goal. It reinforced my belief that effective leadership involves not only taking charge but also empowering others, fostering collaboration, and leading by example. Whether on the basketball court or in any other setting, I strive to demonstrate leadership qualities that uplift and inspire those around me."

Question #7: "How do you prioritize your tasks and manage your time?"

As an intern, you will likely be working on a lot of little projects requiring you to develop strategies for organizing and prioritizing tasks. This is a great question to discuss how you stay focused and meet deadlines through examples of situations where you effectively managed your time. 

Answer Example: 

"Managing my tasks and time effectively is something I've learned to prioritize, especially with the various commitments I have as a student. When it comes to prioritization and time management, I follow a few key strategies that help me stay organized and productive.

First and foremost, I utilize a planner or digital calendar to keep track of my tasks, deadlines, and commitments. I make it a habit to note down all important dates, assignments, and extracurricular activities, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks. This way, I have a clear overview of what needs to be done and when, allowing me to allocate my time effectively.

Once I have a grasp of my upcoming responsibilities, I prioritize them based on urgency and importance. I identify the tasks that have strict deadlines or are critical to my academic or personal goals. These tasks become my top priorities, and I allocate dedicated time and focus to complete them efficiently. By tackling urgent and important tasks first, I ensure that I stay on track and meet my deadlines.

To further enhance my time management skills, I break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks. This helps me avoid feeling overwhelmed and allows me to make progress step by step. I allocate specific time slots for each subtask, creating a structured approach to my work. Additionally, I estimate the time required for each task and build in some buffer time to account for unexpected challenges or delays.

These strategies have allowed me to stay organized, meet deadlines, and achieve academic success while still enjoying a fulfilling student life. I am sure they will serve me well in this internship too"

Final Thoughts… 

Remember, an internship is an entry level position so your interview answers don’t need to be perfect but they do need to be well crafted and practiced before the interview. Lastly, don’t forget to send a follow up thank you note! Check out our article 5 Templates For Emailing Thank You Notes After An Interview to get you started! 

Looking for more internship specific information? Download The Ultimate Intern eBook. In this free eBook, we’ve compiled our best content, tips, tricks and insider knowledge to help you not only land an internship but be successful while on the job.


Meet The Writer!

Hi! My name is Nadia Ibrahim-Taney and I help people design happy and fulfilling careers through authentic career coaching. My expertise includes career exploration guidance, resume writing, interview prep and LinkedIn profile optimization. My pronouns are She/ Her/ Hers and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I focus on how diverse identities impact and influence folks holistically and professionally. Please connect with me on LinkedIn or at Nadia@beyonddiscoverycoaching.com 



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