All You Need To Know About Doing Informational Interviewing Right

Let's be real - we've all been there, scrolling through endless career tips, feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start. I mean, isn't it ironic that we're drowning in information, yet still searching for something that actually works? But here's the thing: I've discovered a game-changer that's helped me cut through the noise, and it's an informational interview!

Let’s Get to Know What Informational Interview Mean

An informational interview is a structured conversation with someone working in a field or company that interests you. Unlike a job interview, it's not about securing a position but rather gaining firsthand knowledge and building valuable connections. Think of it as a learning experience, where you pick the brain of an experienced professional.

Why on Earth Do You Even Need It?

One of the best things I think you can do before setting out for job hunting is informational interview! Just like the saying “No one is an Island”, there are perspectives some thought leaders that you don’t know and can benefit from. This and the following are the reasons you need informational interviews:

  1. Gain Industry Insights: Learn about the day-to-day realities of a role, the skills and experiences truly valued, and the key challenges one might face.

  2. Explore Career Paths: Discover if a specific career aligns with your interests and aspirations. Talking to someone in the field can help solidify or refine your career goals.

  3. Network Building: Expand your professional network by connecting with someone in your desired field. This could lead to future job opportunities or valuable mentorship.

  4. Identify Skill Gaps: Informational interviews can reveal the skills and qualifications needed to break into a particular field, allowing you to tailor your development accordingly.

Don't aim solely for CEOs or top managers; they might be too far ahead in their journey. Instead, target professionals a few steps ahead of you in your desired career path. They'll offer a more relatable perspective and practical advice.

Crafting Your Interview Request

I still remember the first time I reached out to a senior professional for advice - I was nervous but determined! I was shocked at her generosity in sharing experiences, resources and even the community.

To increase your chances of getting a yes, make your request personal. Share a brief story about your career aspirations and what specifically draws you to their experience. For instance, I once reached out to a marketing expert because I admired their work on a campaign that resonated with me

Show respect for their time by clearly stating your request: a 15-30 minute informational interview. Be flexible! Offer multiple meeting times and suggest virtual meetings to fit their busy schedule. I once had a mentor who only could meet during their morning commute, so I made sure to adjust my schedule accordingly.

Need Help With Your Job Search?

Enroll in our online course, Find a Job Fast: The Job Search Accelerator For Career Professionals

How to Enjoy Your Informational Interview

It’s only a conversation! it’s okay to be “starstruck”, or nervous if it’s your first time. The feeling is common to all of us, you just need some intentional strategies to make the most of your interview.

  • Be Professional Yet Engaging: Dress appropriately and arrive on time. Be polite and respectful, and show genuine enthusiasm about their experiences.

  • Guide the Conversation, Not Dominate: Make your informational interview effective by utilizing your prepared questions, but allow the conversation to flow organically. Be receptive to unexpected insights. 

  • Focus on Learning: Let the interviewee be the star. This is your chance to absorb their expertise, not sell yourself. I have noticed that in most interviews When people feel heard and valued, they're more likely to open up, offering valuable insights that you might not have anticipated.

  • Send a Thank You Note: The job is not done after the interview itself. Always send a prompt thank-you email expressing your gratitude for your time and highlighting key takeaways from the conversation.

  • Stay Connected: Consider sending occasional updates on your career progress or relevant industry articles. Keep the relationship warm without being pushy.

Additional Tips(You are Welcome!)

  1. Don't Ask for Jobs (Initially): Avoid the temptation to ask for job in your first contact. While informational interviews can lead to opportunities, focus on learning first. Asking for a job directly in the initial interview may come across as self-serving.

  2. Be Enthusiastic and Respectful: Your positive attitude and genuine interest will leave a lasting impression and inspire them to help you in the future.

  3. Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Referrals: After building rapport, you may inquire about potential connections in your desired field, expanding your informational interview network.

Informational interviews empower you to make informed career decisions by offering valuable, real-world insights. By implementing these tips and leveraging the power of professional connections, you can navigate your career path with greater clarity and confidence. Remember, informational interviews are mutually beneficial. You gain insights, while the interviewee gets the satisfaction of helping someone on their professional journey. Find out more about informational interviews in our FREE ebook.

Additional Readings:

Meet The Writer!

I'm Favour, a content writer, copywriter, and graphics designer with a passion for making brands shine. I help businesses and individuals create content and designs that convert. My goal? Make your brand awesome, one word/image at a time.

When I'm not working, you can find me playing (bad) football, eating (too much), or watching football highlights (guilty pleasure!). Do you want to say something to me or do you want me to be of help? Connect with me via



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