Boss vs. Leader: What’s The Difference?

When you think of a boss, what comes to mind? When you think of a leader, does that image change? Although these two labels can often go hand in hand, they’re pretty different when you break things down. 

So What’s The Difference?

A boss is usually the highest person at a company or organization. They’re the one who calls the shots and instructs employees how to proceed. In my experience, bosses tend to be resistant to change, especially when new ideas are brought up or traditional methods are questioned. These types of people are usually fixed in their decisions and less open to communication. 

Leaders, on the other hand, still serve as authority figures, but do so in a totally different way. Rather than solely instructing their employees, they often take a more open and guided approach, wanting to lead their team by setting a good example themselves.

What Good Leadership Looks Like...

Whether you’re new to the working world or a longtime professional, leadership will always play a role in your life. You will be led by others and opportunities will arise for you to lead yourself. Here are some things to consider:

Authority vs. Guidance

One of the biggest differences between bosses and leaders is how they instruct. Imagine learning something for the first time and being told what to do, versus being shown how to do it. It’s like the quote by Benjamin Franklin:

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

Leadership should make you feel empowered to do things on your own rather than pressured to only provide results. Of course, as you become established in a role, you shouldn’t need to be shown what to do each time you tackle a new project. But if you are given the right tools and guidance, you should be able to trust yourself to successfully complete any tasks you’re assigned.

Influence That Inspires

When dealing with good leaders, their influence can be extremely impactful to your growth and professional development. I’ve been lucky to be led by leaders who inspired me to learn instead of being intimidated to ask for help when I needed it. This is because being inexperienced in a certain field or skill is really just an opportunity to be curious and learn through real-world experiences. Good leaders involve others in the process, not keep them at arm’s length. When someone believes in you, it can make a difference in how you approach any job, no matter where you are in your career.

Team Mindset

An organization’s success is rarely achieved by the efforts of one individual, but rather, the collective efforts of a team that works together to achieve a goal. A real leader sees themselves as a part of that team, not just the person who sits at the top. You should feel like leaders in your life respect you, listen to you, and value your contributions. After all, “teamwork makes the dream work” is a popular saying for a reason!

At the end of the day, leadership style matters.

Over the years, I’ve dealt with bosses and leaders, and I have to say leadership style matters. It can mean the difference between loving your job and feeling respected or hating your job because you experience a lack of respect.

At the end of the day, “work politics” will always be involved no matter where you work. I don’t mean Republican vs. Democrat (although this can happen, too), but rather, the power dynamics and organizational structure that defines a working environment. Whether these work politics are productive or chaotic, however, is oftentimes determined by who leads an organization, and more importantly, how they lead. Are they a boss? Or a leader?


Meet The Writer!

Hello! My name is Lea Rose and I am an avid writer with a love for all things international. I recently graduated from UNC Charlotte with degrees in Communication Studies as well as Dance Performance and hope to be a full time travel writer one day. My writing primarily focuses on the ways places and experience shape us as individuals. Please feel free to check out my blog or connect with me through LinkedIn or Instagram @writtenworldblog.


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