Different Ways To Conduct Workplace Training

Workplace training sets your team up for success, making it an essential part of establishing and maintaining a fruitful business. Training provides your staff with the necessary information to carry out their tasks and work toward the goals of the company. Discover different ways to conduct workplace training and provide the best form of education for your team.

Remote Training:

1. Individual E-Learning

Remote training rose in popularity and became a necessity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even with relaxed distancing and isolation mandates, remote training still provides many benefits, such as independent learning.

Individual E-learning is one of the most flexible forms of workplace training. It allows your staff to undergo training anywhere and at any time, giving them the opportunity to work on their own schedule. Everyone can take their time to understand the content, making individual E-learning one of the best training forms for dense and technical training, like OSHA compliance.

Your team can maximize their individual online OSHA training and comprehend complex content on their own time. Whether your team requires OSHA training or other technical courses, individual E-learning ensures your staff has enough time to understand the lessons.

2. Online Courses

Online courses blend the benefits of group training and remote flexibility. Nowadays, multiple communication platforms—Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams—give you the ability to bring people together in a digital space and recreate an in-person class. You can conduct lessons, share videos, and present without booking a training space or worrying about commutes.

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In-Person Sessions:

1. Instructor-Led Training

In-person training gives your staff the opportunity to bond and enhance their work relationships while learning the necessary information for their jobs. In-person classes are group activities that amp up engagement opportunities, further enhancing the training for your staff. For many people, tactile and active learning leads to increase comprehension.

Instructors set the tone of the lesson. They supply the necessary information, provide live support, and hold trainees accountable. In-person instructor training is traditional and guarantees your team members complete training courses.

2. Role-Playing

Role-playing uses hypothetical experiences to encourage your staff to put their new knowledge and skills to the test. It provides more active and engaging training, suiting kinesthetic learners. Setting up example scenarios or simulations allows staff to practice without risking your establishment’s productivity. Any mistakes or mishaps are hypothetical and don’t affect the workplace, providing a safe space for people to learn without the fear of making detrimental errors.

On-the-Job Training:

1. Mentoring and Coaching

Throwing your staff into the deep end gives them first-hand experiences. On-the-job training involves pairing new hires with current staff, letting them learn in real time and under the watchful eye of an experienced role model. Partnering new team members with mentors also creates bonding opportunities and relationships, bringing your team closer together.

Exploring the different ways to conduct workplace training opens doors for preparing your staff for their jobs. Each training method influences a new hire’s future in your workplace. Train your team in a way that benefits your business and guarantees future success.


Meet The Writer!

Hi! My name is Nadia Ibrahim-Taney and I help people design happy and fulfilling careers through authentic career coaching. My expertise includes career exploration guidance, resume writing, interview prep and LinkedIn profile optimization. My pronouns are She/ Her/ Hers and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I focus on how diverse identities impact and influence folks holistically and professionally. Please connect with me on LinkedIn or at Nadia@beyonddiscoverycoaching.com 



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