Entrepreneurs: Self-Care Is A Valuable Investment

As business owners, we tend to get caught up in the idea we have to put all of our efforts into our organizations. While it’s true we must remain continually dedicated to our companies, we must also take care of ourselves.

From cleaning your house to spending a weekend away, there are many different ways you can prioritize self-care that will be a boon to your business.

Why Self-Care?

There are literally thousands of arguments they could go in favor of self-care. But, specifically for entrepreneurs, self-care can help reduce the possibility of burnout. According to Psychology Today, job burnout can create a state of mental and physical exhaustion. Essentially, burnout is long-term stress that can have a negative effect on your ability to work well.

Caring for Yourself, At Home and Away

The idea of self-care might mean something different for you than it does your partners or employees. Ultimately, however, self-care simply means that you fuel yourself. This could be in the form of eating well (such as adding gut-healthy foods like yogurt to your diet) or exercising or it might be a bit more indulgent, such as taking a vacation or getting a massage. If you’re not sure what will benefit you the most, try any of the following self-care actions.

Instill Positivity At Home

Even though you likely spend most of your time at the office, the way you feel at home can heavily influence your mood at work. Spend some time turning your home into a more vibrant and refreshing space. Simple steps, such as cleaning or smudging, can relieve tension and push negativity out. When you’re home is full of positivity, you may find that your entire family is less judgmental and gets along better than ever.

Take A Weekend Trip

As an entrepreneur, the idea of getting away for a week or two is probably so far off in left field that you can’t even consider a long vacation. But, you can spend a weekend away, which will help you reset and recharge.

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Delegating is the act of dividing up the work among many. As a business owner, this could mean your employees or contract workers. Evaluate your staff so that you know their strengths and weaknesses. This will make it much easier to decide who does what so that your business runs most efficiently.

Similarly, don’t be shy about putting the kids to work at home to reduce your burden. Even the youngest members of your household can pitch in; Bright Horizons explains that you will need to set clear expectations and create a consistent chore schedule to ensure things get done.

Exercise More

If exercise isn’t on your daily to-do list, it should be. Even if you have to wake up early, give yourself at least 30 minutes of physical activity. If you do choose to set the alarm ahead, know that you will burn more fat and likely sleep even better come nightfall after a morning sweat session.

Talk With A Professional

Many people find that, during a difficult time in their lives, speaking to a mental health professional such as a therapist can be beneficial. That’s even easier now with the advent of telemedicine. But a period of crisis doesn’t have to be the only time for an online therapist to help. Nor does therapy have to be prohibitively costly. Regular therapy can be an important part of a self-care routine. And online therapy is convenient, with sessions occurring in the comfort and privacy of home.

Indulge In Something That Makes You Happy

While self-care doesn’t have to be indulgent, it can be. Get a massage, visit a spa, have your nails done, or buy a pricey bottle of wine at dinner. You work hard for your money, and there is no reason that it should not benefit your life beyond paying the bills.

Self-care should never be optional for anyone. As a business owner, you are certainly busy, but you have to make yourself your top priority. It’s going to take time and possibly money, but self-care is an investment in both yourself and your business.

Just as you give your employees benefits to keep themselves whole and healthy, you must work to keep yourself well, too.

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Meet The Writer!

Derek Goodman is an entrepreneur. He’d always wanted to make his own future, and he knew growing his own business was the only way to do that. He created his site Inbizability, to offer you tips, tricks, and resources so that you realize your business ability and potential now, not later.



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