Hate Zoom? Here Are 4 Ways To Get Out Of Zoom Meetings.

Ahh the dreaded Zoom meeting! While once a new, innovative, essential to getting work done tool, for some, the Zoom meeting has overstayed it’s welcome. In this article, we examine four ways to get out of your next Zoom meeting.

1. Is This A Meeting or An Email?

While loads of memes litter the social media world poking fun at the idea career professionals just LOVE having meetings, in truth, most don’t. When you are working with someone (or a group of people) it’s important to clarify why you are meeting vs. what you are meeting about.

For example, if you are meeting because you want to collaborate in real time on an idea or project, perhaps booking a physical space or Zoom call does indeed make sense. If you are simply providing project updates where ideation isn’t needed, or simply communicating information, email is a solid option.

So before you quickly jump on a Zoom call with someone, ask very direct questions to determine if this is a meeting or an email… here’s a nice but direct example of how to do so:

Dear Group,

I’d like to propose a group email vs. a meeting. I propose this given we are simply sharing updated information on the project and from the previous emails, it seems collaboration and ideation are not needed. Does anyone a strong reasoning to advocate for a meeting? If email is suitable, let’s move forward with that please.

2. Propose The Meeting Type First

In the professional workplace, unless your job is scheduling meetings, you likely don’t want to assume responsibility of setting up meetings administratively. You must sort through Outlook or Google calendars for available times, compare and collate everyone’s available time slots, send the invite and finally, decide on a modality.

If you take the lead in organizing meetings, you by default assume power in deciding what medium your meeting should take place. So if you don’t want to do a Zoom meeting, don’t! I find most people will follow the meeting organizer’s lead. If you propose Zoom, they will follow, if you don’t propose Zoom, most won’t ask for it.

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3. Go For A Walk

When you do need to meet, and there are cases where meeting is warranted for sure, ask to go for a walk! Get out of the office, engage in some physical activity! Who knows, it might be the only time you or your meeting partner walk away from your desk today. Changing up the scenery of the meeting can have a positive influence in your mental approach (and help to keep you physically active!) to said meeting, especially if it’s a meeting you really aren’t looking forward to.

If you’re looking to create a little more holistic balance in your workday, check out our Developing An Authentic Holistic Well-Being Routine For Career Professionals Workbook. In this workbook, you’ll think, feel, do and reflect on ways to align your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual selves so you can continue to thrive at home and at work. Once you align your holistic health, you can begin to explore healthier relationships with work, people, and yourself.

4. Take A Phone Call

Remember, there was a time the world ran on fax machines and telephones. So don’t be shy in asking for a telephone call vs a Zoom meeting. What’s the difference you ask? Well, phone calls typically give you the freedom to take meeting wherever and whenever you want regardless of wifi status. Additionally, no one said you must take phone calls sitting at your desk! Take a walk around the block, pace, go to a park and be in nature. Whatever floats your meeting boat. Make meetings work for you in a modern world, not you always working from one meeting to the next.

At the end of the day, if you are in a highly collaborative, creatively driven, innovated industry or work environment, you’re going to need to change your perspective on Zoom and other virtual meetings.

Virtual meetings are here to stay, it’s happening, get on board. BUT that doesn’t mean you ALWAYS have to engage in Zoom meetings.

Vary up your modality, if you must take 6 meetings today, try to diversify the way in which you engage in those meetings. And if you really, really hate meeting, do as Bill Gates suggests: eat the frog. Book all your meetings first thing in the morning, get them over and done with so you can move on with your day.



Meet The Writer!

Hi! My name is Nadia Ibrahim-Taney and I help people design happy and fulfilling careers through authentic career coaching. My expertise includes career exploration guidance, resume writing, interview prep and LinkedIn profile optimization. My pronouns are She/ Her/ Hers and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I focus on how diverse identities impact and influence folks holistically and professionally. Please connect with me on LinkedIn or at Nadia@beyonddiscoverycoaching.com



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