How Long Does It Take To Hear Back From A Job Interview?

Interviewed for a job three days ago but still heard nothing from the hirer? Don’t be stressed. Be mindful that the recruiters do not interview only you and there are many other following steps before deciding the results. Read this article and get yourself some tips in this case.

How long should you expect to wait for the result?

It is important to keep in mind that each company has its own hiring timeline. The waiting time varies for different industries, companies, and positions. In general, give the recruiter at least 5 business days to contact you.

You can also expect to hear back from them within one or two weeks after the interview. In some rare cases, especially big companies or senior positions, the waiting time can be extended up to 8 weeks.

Why do you need to wait so long?

1. There are other candidates.

It is understandable that the job you are applying for is posted online, that means there are many other people who also see it and apply for it. The hirer’s duty is to process the interview for every applicant before deciding who should be chosen. That consumes so much time in the hiring timeline.

2. Feedback is being collected

If you were interviewed by a team (more than one interviewer), the recruiter needs to collect feedback from everyone in the panel before making any decision. 

3. Unexpected vacation

Sometimes, the hiring process can be paused due to the company's vacation or recruiters’ illness. They are all unexpected, however, it is not the recruiter’s responsibility to announce that to all candidates.

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What should you do in this case?

1. Ask them at the end of the interview.

You may know there is always the question you will be asked at the end of any interview: “Do you have any questions for us?” This is the chance for you to ask anything you are not clear about the company, position, and the hiring process. One question I would recommend you is asking when to hear back from them. However, knowing that some of you may not know how to ask this subtly, here are several ways I usually say:

  • Can you tell me more details about the hiring process?

  • How long should I expect to hear back from you?

2. Send a follow-up email

Writing a thank you note and sending it to your interviewer within 24 hours after the interview is an ideal way to make yourself stand out and raise the probability to hear back from them sooner.

Worst case, if you have not heard back from them within a reasonable time frame (two weeks), it is acceptable to follow up with a polite email inquiring about the status. In some rare cases, the company may not provide individualized results and feedback to every candidate.

They may only contact the selected applicants and leave the others without a response, even declining response. In such cases, you may assume that you are not given that offer. Therefore, do not stop your job-seeking journey while waiting for the interview results.


Meet The Writer!

Hello! It’s My Nguyen from Vietnam! I am currently a college student majoring in Business Analytics and Marketing at Lindner College of Business, University of Cincinnati. I have a passion for writing, especially about Gen Z, College life, Business related fields,... In 2019, I had my story published in the book for the Christmas event of Thanh Nien Publisher. For me, writing is an ideal way to nourish the soul. It helps you communicate with yourself and understand your feelings. I love making new friends. Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, Instagram and check out my College diary!



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