How To Beat The Stress Of Becoming An Entrepreneur

Now that you've decided to become an entrepreneur and are ready to plunge in, you might be feeling more than a little stress. There is so much to accomplish, and in fact, your to-do list gets longer every day. You can actually conquer the stress (and your to-do list) by making STRESS into an anagram for success. Read on to learn how.

Setting Up

Your first step is to set up your business well. Choose the right business structure, whether that's a sole proprietorship, a partnership, an LLC, or a corporation. Make sure, too, that you register with the government and receive an EIN (employer identification number or tax ID number) if you plan to hire employees. This is what the IRS uses to track payroll and what you will use to file taxes.


You'll also need to be tech-savvy when you start your business and know what kind of technology you should have. Do some research about computers and operating systems so that you can make an informed decision, and know, too, what kind of printer, scanner, and webcam work best in a business environment. Study up on cybersecurity as well, especially if you'll be collecting customer data.

Reaching Out

Part of starting a business is learning how to reach out to others. This might concern funding as you try for small business loans and grants, or it could refer to asking advice from other business owners or even taking a few classes to boost your skills.

One way you'll need to reach out is through your invoicing so that you can get paid in a timely way. An invoice generator will save you time. You can use pre-made temples and customize them by adding your own text and logo and downloading them in your preferred format.

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Engaging Marketing

Another necessity for your business is engaging marketing. You'll want to build a website, of course, and set up social media accounts for your business, but don't neglect to reach out to your customers in more traditional ways such as newspaper ads, radio spots, and word of mouth. You could also print up some business cards, posters, and flyers to spread the word about your new business. Send out some postcards offering a “new customer discount,” too.

Space To Work

Finally, if you're going to start up a business, you'll need a space to work. If you don't have employees or a large inventory of products, then you might be best off working from home, at least at first. Set up an office in a designated space that's free of distractions, organized, and large enough to contain your tech equipment, desk and chair, and some shelves.

Include a small sitting area, too, especially if you plan to meet with clients. Alternatively, you could rent a small office in a local building in Cincinnati, OH, to get more separation between your work life and home life.

Start-up Success

Starting up a business can certainly be stressful, but you can turn STRESS into success by setting up right, being tech savvy, reaching out, producing engaging marketing, and having a good space to work for start-up success.


Meet The Writer!

Derek Goodman is an entrepreneur. He’d always wanted to make his own future, and he knew growing his own business was the only way to do that. He created his site Inbizability, to offer you tips, tricks, and resources so that you realize your business ability and potential now, not later.



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