How To Create An Optimized LinkedIn Headline

With 830 million folks on LinkedIn, getting noticed and found is hard. You'll need to strategize how to differentiate yourself from others and grab a searcher's attention. So how do you do that? Enter optimization!

What Is Search Engine Optimization?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of orienting content to rank higher on a search engine results page (SERP) so that you receive more traffic. You’ve likely used Google right? Well that is a SERP and when you search for things on Google it’s actually the search engine that is ranking content so you see the most relevant information.

The same is true for LinkedIn (and any other social media platform for that matter). These platforms use an algorithm to show users recommended content and connection suggestions. Just about everything you type into your LinkedIn profile is searchable and thus, optimizable so your profile is showing up in the right searches… i.e. recruiter searches!

First Impressions Matter

One of the best ways to stand out among the LinkedIn crowd is to create a remarkable LinkedIn headline. You will have 220 characters and a photo to entice the reader to want to know more about you. You'll need to make this first impression count to prevent the reader from moving past you and on to someone else's profile.

Writing An Attention-Grabbing Headline

  1. Start by including keywords to improve the likelihood that you’ll get a chance to be noticed by the right people.  

  2. Include the outcome your unique skills would deliver. This is your value proposition which will inform readers of why they need YOU?

  3. Find inspiration in other people's headlines by searching in your field of interest and using intentionally different language and approaches. The point is to stand out from the other of the profiles.

  4. Be disruptive. Be Creative. Be original… Be professional! For an example, check out my LinkedIn headline to see how I’ve attempted to create interest and share insights into why I'm unique and what I bring to the table. 

  5. Don't allow yourself to get lost in a sea of sameness by wasting your precious 220 characters on something generic like 'open to opportunities'.  You should focus on highlighting specializations or specific goals to share what is unique about you?  

Need Help With Your Job Search?

Enroll in our online course, Find a Job Fast: The Job Search Accelerator For Career Professionals

Leveling Up Your Headline

Now that you have the basics down, it’s time to level up! Check out Coach Nadia’s LinkedIn headline which is fully optimized, creative and unique!

See how she adds in loads of search engine optimized phrases relevant to her industry? This is a great way to get found by the algorithm and gives people viewing your profile a good idea on what you are about.

Interested in adding pronouns to your LinkedIn profile? Check out our recent article 5 Ways To Be Gender-Inclusive In The Workplace (With Examples) to learn how.


Invest time in developing a strategically crafted LinkedIn headline to ensure you stand out from the millions of other people in similar roles and with similar goals. You'll need to give people a reason to want to get to know YOU above all others. 

Let’s see how creative you can be. Share your new headline as a comment on this post so we can learn from your effort and celebrate you!


Meet The Writer!

Hi! My name is Terri Seydel. I'm a learner by nature and believe that all decisions begin with curiosity. When I write, I seek to nurture the reader's curiosity with intriguing content and strive to inspire their next decision. Whether the reader's intent is for education, growth, or a purchasing decision, I will help them along that journey with interesting, meaningful, and high-quality content. You can find me on Linkedin.



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