How To Dress For a Zoom Interview

When preparing for an interview, it’s always challenging to know how to dress. It’s especially difficult when you are prepping for a virtual or remote interview. In this article, I’m sharing a few basic tips on how to dress and prepare appropriately for your next Zoom interview to ensure you are a standout candidate.

First Things First… 

Before any interview, it’s important to take time to make sure you look and feel good. Having a clean face and washed hair will not only feel fresh and help boost your confidence but will also make you look presentable to your interviewer. Getting enough sleep prior to the interview so feel and look rested doesn’t hurt either. 

I personally recommend showering before any interview as it’s a great way to wake up and helps you look good! If you have facial hair, make sure it’s well groomed and neat so you look professional for the interview. One of the essential parts of marking outfits look good is starting with styling your hair. 

Start with washing your hair with shampoo and/or conditioner and styling it in a way that feels authentic to you. Any style will do in professional, modern interviewing so long as it’s not distracting. Hats are a huge no-no for Zoom interviews since they can be a visual distraction for the person interviewing you.

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What To Wear

The outfit you wear for a Zoom interview should feature a clean shirt or top that is either professional or semi-professional. 

Examples include wearing a button down or polo shirt or a dress or dress shirt. Suit jackets and blazers are also recommended. When in doubt on what to wear, go more to the conservative and formal side such as a dark colored top or even wearing a tie. 

It may be tempting to wear pajamas to your Zoom interview since it would most likely take place at your house. Unless it’s pajama day at the job you are applying for, it’s not a good idea to dress down for a Zoom interview since it makes you look unprofessional to the employer. 

Additionally, even if you are sitting down for a Zoom interview, it’s highly recommended you wear pants during the interview. The risk of an employer seeing you without pants is low, but in the moment it might just happen, it could cost you the job opportunity!  

The key to a successful interview is preparation! While all of this can be stressful, it doesn’t have to be if you are properly prepared. To better prepare for the interview, neatly lay the clothes on a chair the night before the interview. Once the day of the interview comes, make sure you relax to calm your nerves before the Zoom call.

Once you smash your Zoom interview, be sure to send thank you notes to the interviewer. This is an extra step to show your professionalism, which could land you the job!


Meet The Writer!

Hi, my name is Ian Ward and I am a writer and editor with over five years of experience. I have written articles for publications of varying sizes and have worked on everything from SEO to graphic design. Some articles I have written have received thousands of views online. My ultimate goal as a writer is to write engaging content that readers will share with their friends and family. You can reach out to me on LinkedIn and check out my articles on MuckRack.



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