How To Write An Internship Cover Letter

Are you currently in the process of applying for an internship? If so, one of the most important components of your application is the cover letter. Your cover letter is often the first impression that potential employers will have of you, and it can make all the difference in landing your dream internship. In this post, we get into the ins and outs of writing an internship cover letter in three simple steps.

STEP 1: Do Your Research

Writing an effective internship cover letter requires careful consideration and planning. It is essential to tailor your cover letter to the specific needs and requirements of the organization. In fact, according to a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, nearly 80% of employers consider cover letters to be important or very important when evaluating candidates for internships or entry-level positions. Therefore, it is essential to invest time and effort into crafting a strong and compelling cover letter that showcases your skills and qualifications.

One of the first steps in writing an internship cover letter is to research the company and the position you are applying for. This will allow you to tailor your cover letter to the specific needs and requirements of the organization. As noted by career experts at Indeed, "a customized cover letter that speaks to the needs of the employer can set you apart from other applicants" (Indeed, 2021). 

One of the best ways to research a company is to visit their website and read about their mission, values, and history. This can help you understand the company culture and identify key traits and qualities that they look for in their employees. Additionally, you can search for news articles and press releases about the company to get a sense of their recent activities and accomplishments.

By taking the time to research the company and position, you can also address the company's pain points in your cover letter. This shows that you understand the company's needs and are ready to provide solutions. For example, if the company is expanding their digital presence, you can emphasize your experience with social media and digital marketing. You can also use this research to help you creatively stand out in interviews too! 

STEP 2: Highlight Your Qualifications and Your Enthusiasm! 

To make your cover letter stand out, it is important to use strong and specific language that highlights your qualifications and experiences. Use concrete examples to demonstrate your skills and accomplishments, and avoid vague or generic statements. In addition to highlighting your qualifications, it is important to demonstrate your enthusiasm and passion for the internship and the organization. 

Start by reviewing the job description and identifying the key qualifications and skills the employer is looking for. Then, consider how your experiences, skills, and accomplishments align with those qualifications. For example, if the job requires strong communication skills, provide a specific example of a project you worked on that required effective communication with team members or clients.

When describing your experiences and accomplishments, try to use numbers and measurable outcomes whenever possible. For example, instead of simply stating that you "increased sales," provide specific numbers to demonstrate your impact, such as "increased sales by 20% over a six-month period."

It is also important to demonstrate your enthusiasm and passion for the internship and the organization. This can be done by researching the company culture and values and highlighting how they align with your own interests and values. Show that you are excited about the opportunity to contribute to the organization and how it fits into your career goals.

According to career experts at Monster, "Your cover letter is an opportunity to convey your passion and excitement for the role you are applying for, and demonstrate your knowledge of the company and its mission" (Monster, 2021). So be sure to research the company culture and values and highlight how they align with your own interests and values.

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STEP 3: Wrap It Up

When you reach the conclusion of your internship cover letter, it is crucial to leave a lasting impression on the employer. A strong call to action and expressing your eagerness to further discuss your qualifications can help you achieve this. One effective way to conclude your cover letter is to include a clear call to action that invites the employer to take the next step in the hiring process. 

For example, you can say something like, "I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications and experience can contribute to your organization. I look forward to hearing from you soon to schedule an interview."

Including a call to action demonstrates your proactive approach and eagerness to move forward in the application process. It also shows the employer that you are confident in your qualifications and ready to take the next step.In addition to the call to action, it is important to express your enthusiasm and interest in the internship and the organization. This can help the employer see that you are genuinely interested in the opportunity and excited about the potential to contribute to their team.

By ending your cover letter on a strong and positive note, you can leave a lasting impression on the employer and increase your chances of being selected for an interview!

Final Thoughts… 

In summary, writing an effective internship cover letter requires careful research, strong language and examples, and a clear call to action. By following these tips and strategies, you can create a professional and compelling cover letter that sets you apart from other candidates and increases your chances of landing your dream internship.

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Meet The Writer!

Hi! My name is Nadia Ibrahim-Taney and I help people design happy and fulfilling careers through authentic career coaching. My expertise includes career exploration guidance, resume writing, interview prep and LinkedIn profile optimization. My pronouns are She/ Her/ Hers and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I focus on how diverse identities impact and influence folks holistically and professionally. Please connect with me on LinkedIn or at



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