Intern Series: 4 Practical Tips To Preparing For An Internship

When preparing for an internship there are a mix of emotions you may face from extreme excitement to breathtaking anxiousness. But don’t worry you’re not alone as millions of interns are going through similar experiences.

Luckily, we have this thing called PREPARATION which can help build confidence and minimize feelings of anxiousness and fear. So, I want to share with you four practical tips when preparing for your next internship to ensure a smooth transition and quality experience.

The first tip is:

1. Get To Know The Company

Most of your research should initially be completed during the application process but a refresher never hurt anyone. I would focus on things such as:

  1. Company Culture

  2. Company Mission/Vision/Values

  3. The Company’s Value Proposition

  4. The Different Functional Areas of the Business

  5. (and of course) The department you will be working in

If you have a high-level understanding of these things the transition into your role will be seamless and you’ll be ready to embrace the journey ahead without hesitation.

2. Speak to Others Who Have Held the Role Before

After getting to know the company I recommend taking a deeper dive into your specific role and department. How can you do this? Find and reach out to previous interns who have held the position you are jumping into.  

You may be wondering “Well how do I do this Josh since I’m not sure of any previous interns?” and that’s a good question.

Here is what I have done in the past:

  1. Ask your recruiter for referrals

  2. Utilize LinkedIn to find those who work in the department you’ll be in

  3. Ask your Career Coach or Advisor if they know of any past graduates who may have interned at the company

These individuals are able to provide:

  1. Do’s & Don’ts

  2. Company Resources

  3. Mentorship

  4. Valuable Skill Sets & Habits & more

Plus, when you show initiative in your desire to learn even before your start date this displays your true commitment and willingness to be great.

PRO TIP: Download the The Expert’s Guide To Informational Interviewing eBook. Whether you're new to informational interviewing or ready to supercharge your networking game, this eBook is for you! This eBook includes templates, tips and sample questions to get you started in having helpful networking conversations.

Need Help With Your Job Search?

Enroll in our online course, Find a Job Fast: The Job Search Accelerator For Career Professionals

3. Freshen Up Your Toolkit

It can be easy to think just because you secured your internship all the preparation work is done, but your work is never done! (kidding kinda). When preparing for a new role it's always smart to refresh on the skills, topics, and tools you’ll be using in your work.

Whether you take some LinkedIn Learning courses on Microsoft Excel or work on your organizational skills -> proactive preparation can mean the difference between a seamless transition and one that is hectic and fast-paced.

Don’t try to learn everything on your own! Remember, it's an internship so your supervisor expects you won’t know everything from day 1 and that’s how it should be!

4. Set Goals & Write Them Down!

This is something I wish would’ve known myself when conducting previous internships.

Setting both short-term and long-term goals will not only keep you accountable to things you want to accomplish but will also allow you to follow your progression throughout.

Check out the Beyond Discovery Coaching free Professional Development Plan eBook to help you get started in your goal setting!

No matter if you reach your goals or not, just taking the time to set them and track their status will provide long-term benefits down the road.

 Final Thoughts…

Now, I know the title says 4 tips, but I have a “extra, extra” tip like you hear in the old movies.

And this is to enjoy your free time. Since you’re reading this, I’d assume you’re a high achieving and motivated individual and at times can become so focused on “work” that it’s easy to forget about life around you. So, I challenge you to not only prepare for your role but also enjoy

  • Free time with family & friends

  • Visit a place you’ve always wanted to go

  • Binge your favorite Netflix series

  • Go on a late-night ice cream run

Yes, it’s important to ensure your success in your internship but it’s also important to enjoy the life you have and cherish the “now”.


Meet The Writer!

Hello! My name is Joshua Moore and I like to think of myself first as a servant and next as a leader, so I guess you can call me a servant leader! I am currently a student at the University of Cincinnati studying Entrepreneurship with a minor in Marketing! I’ve always had a natural inclination towards content creation whether that be blog writing, social media, or multimedia creation! I see my “why” as helping and guiding others through this thing called life. So, in turn I enjoy writing about the perspectives I’ve gained in a way where all can derive unique/personalized value. Be sure to reach out on LinkedIn or any of my other outlets!



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