Robots, AI, and Automation: Establishing Your Value in a High-Tech Workplace

Today’s tech-driven world has changed the workplace immensely. Thanks to emerging tools, business leaders are gradually integrating technology into their company workflows for increased productivity. According to IBM, 34% of companies use artificial intelligence (AI), while 80% of retail executives expect their enterprises to adopt AI-powered automation by 2027. Meanwhile, there are currently 3.4 million industrial robots worldwide. These numbers beg the question: how can employees keep up with the automation trend?

Given the rise of technology in the workplace, it’s no surprise that many workers may think that their jobs may be affected by the adoption of innovative tools in businesses. A Gallup report mentioned that 22% of US workers worry that technology may make their jobs obsolete, with 20% fearing potential layoffs. However, there are ways to help you stand out and establish your value in a high-tech workplace. Here’s what you need to know:

Tech in businesses

While emerging tech like robots, AI, and automation are permeating the business sphere, we may have a skewed perception of how these technologies negatively impact workflow and jobs. In fact, current robotic trend predictions show that generative AI can help make robots more intelligent, enabling them to naturally interact with humans — and not replace them — for increased productivity. Predictions also show that humanoid robots aren’t coming for anyone’s job, as the technology required for these robots is too advanced, which means global and commercial-scale release of this tech isn’t going to happen anytime soon. 

However, while fears of a robot takeover in the workplace might be unfounded, it's still important for employees to adapt to the changing times. Here's how integrating these technologies allows employees to stand out in a high-tech environment:

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Establishing your value in a high-tech workplace

Embrace lifelong learning

One way to help you stand out in a technology-filled workplace is by embracing lifelong learning to hone your skill set, making you an invaluable asset to your company. Lifelong learning involves upskilling, which can help you expand your knowledge and skills to keep up with industry trends and emerging technologies in the workplace. The benefits of upskilling in a tech-driven working environment cannot be overstated, as it allows you to show your commitment to achieving personal and professional growth. This includes enrolling in online courses and workshops and attending conferences that help you acquire new skills and knowledge that can help you contribute meaningfully to your industry.

Learn how to work with technology

Instead of perceiving emerging technologies as adversaries, you can learn how to embrace these tools and harness their potential to help you finish various tasks at work. For instance, you can learn and master machine learning algorithms so you can use them to automate tasks like data visualization, enabling you to transform complex business information into clear and digestible visuals. You can also learn how to use and leverage other automation tools like email automation software to spend your time more productively doing other essential tasks instead of manually sending emails. This ensures that human and machine capabilities are maximized for improved productivity in the workplace.

Cultivate soft skills

Research shows that there is a demand for soft skills within tech-driven domains. While innovative tools like AI, automation, and robots can boost technical support for efficiency, nothing can replace the soft skills of human workers. These soft skills include effective communication, leadership, creativity, critical thinking, and decision-making capabilities. Possessing these soft skills is one way to demonstrate that you are a good team player, helping you become an asset to your company amidst the gradual adoption of technology in businesses. You can cultivate these skills by practicing teamwork and collaboration, developing emotional intelligence, and being open to feedback and improvement.

Establishing your value in a high-tech workplace can help you remain open to learning opportunities and enable you to embrace changes like a pro. With the rise of technology already in full swing, employees must learn how to adapt and innovate to thrive in today’s modern workplace.

Additional Readings:

Meet The Writer!

My name is Rosetta Juliana and I have been working in the field of human resources for over ten years. Clearly, my passion lies in identifying how humans form relationships. That's why I've recently taken to working from my laptop while traveling around the world! This allows me to freely form connections with all sorts of people from different backgrounds.



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