Should I Have A Personal Website On Top Of LinkedIn As A Career Professional?

In today’s world of social media and remote work, building a professional online presence is key for professionals at all levels. LinkedIn has become the go-to platform for showcasing your work history, skills, and making industry connections, but more and more we are seeing a surge in the use of personal websites.

What are the benefits of a personal website?

Having a personal website has many benefits that a LinkedIn profile does not provide, but that doesn’t mean it’s a requirement or the right move for everyone. A personal website allows you to have more control over your branding and reputation. On it, you can share a digital portfolio, testimonials from clients or colleagues, and a more detailed bio that showcases your unique skills and strengths.

While you can personalize elements such as your profile picture and cover image for Linkedin, a personal website gives you more control over how you present yourself online. You have the power to choose the design, layout, and content of your website, which allows for a more professional and cohesive brand image. You can also use your website to promote your personal brand by creating a variety of digital content like blog posts, videos, podcasts, etc..

Most importantly, a personal website can help you stand out in the crowded job market. While I was going through my last job search, I noticed a lot of applications including a section to include links to personal websites or digital portfolios. By having a personal website, you show potential employers or clients that you are proactive and dedicated to your career. You're also demonstrating a level of technical proficiency and willingness to invest time and resources in your professional development.The hiring teams are paying attention! 

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How difficult is it to make a personal website?

There are different ways to build a personal website, depending on your level of technical expertise, time, and budget. 

One option is to use website builders like Wix, Canva, Squarespace, or WordPress. These platforms offer pre-designed templates and drag-and-drop tools, making it easier to create a website without advanced skills. I designed my website using Wix and found it to be very easy to learn and use. Many of these platforms have both free and paid versions depending on your needs.

Another option is to hire a professional web designer or developer who can build a custom website tailored to your specific needs and goals. This option may be more expensive, but it can provide a more unique and polished website. 

Who would benefit the most from a personal website?

  • Specialists

  • Industry or Business Leaders/Executives

  • Entrepreneurs 

  • Design and Creative Professionals

  • Project Managers/Directors

  • Sales, Marketing, and Communications Professionals 

  • And Many More!

The benefit of a personal website is that it allows you to elevate yourself in comparison to other professionals in your field. 

It's important to note that creating a personal website does require some investment, both in terms of time and resources. Building a professional-looking website takes time and requires a certain level of technical skill. Depending on your goals you may need to purchase a domain name and web hosting or invest in a graphic designer. Personal websites also require routine maintenance and updates to keep them relevant, attractive, and in compliance. 

Ultimately, whether you should have a personal website in addition to a LinkedIn account depends on your individual career goals and priorities. If you're looking to stand out in a crowded job market and showcase your work in a more comprehensive way, a personal website can be a valuable asset. However, if you're satisfied with your LinkedIn profile and believe it effectively represents your professional skills and experience, then a personal website may not be necessary.


Meet The Writer!

Hi! I’m Madeline Jefferson. I am a freelance writer, editor, and designer who has a wide breadth of experience and knowledge on many subjects including: fiction writing, religion, law, politics, history, literature, chronic illness, and mental health. I have a B.A. in Religion and Middle Eastern Studies from Washington and Lee University. As a freelancer I offer services such as: blog writing, copywriting, ghostwriting, manuscript editing, and print and digital design. You can find me on: LinkedIn; Twitter, Instagram; and on my website:



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