The 7 Most Important Skills For Freelancers

Freelance work can look like a lot of different things: photography, writing, business consulting, etc. The list could go on. Although each of these niches require varying expertise, there’s a common thread of skills that every freelancer will need in order to be well-rounded and successful. 

From my own experience and speaking with other freelancers, I’ve compiled a list of the seven most important skills: 

1. Self-Motivation

If you’ve chosen to be a freelancer, I’m assuming it’s because you wanted to, not because anyone told you to. Doing this already shows self-motivation, and that’s a great start. But your ability to be self-motivated has to be consistent. 

Freelancing requires a lot of behind-the-scenes work like creating a portfolio and online presence, reaching out to clients, and managing day-to-day tasks. A freelance career can’t happen without piecing all these little things together. 

There is no one standing over your shoulder to make sure you’re getting work done, and other than clients themselves, there’s no one to report to. At the end of the day, you’re the only one who can hold yourself accountable. Ultimately, being a freelancer is all about having the motivation to keep working hard when no one is looking.

Need help with your motivation? Check out our recent article 3 Ways To Boost Your Motivation As A Freelancer.

2. Discipline

This one goes hand in hand with self-motivation. Being your own boss can be both a blessing and a curse because that accountability is all on you. This is why it’s so important to be disciplined when it comes to how you work. 

One of the best parts of freelancing is that you don’t have a 9-5, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t set some work-life boundaries. As tempting as it may be to sleep in late and work whenever, creating a set schedule (especially in the beginning) will help you be more productive.

And that’s a bonus of freelancing, too–you get to create a workday that really works for you. So, try creating “office hours” around the times you know you’ll be most productive. A little discipline can go a long way.

Check out the Beyond Discovery Coaching free Professional Development Plan eBook to help you keep on track with your career goals.

3. Persistence

For the sake of total transparency, freelancing is a lot of “if you throw enough sh*t at the wall, some of it has gotta stick.” I know from personal experience that it can be disheartening to put in a lot of work to make something happen, only to be met with no’s and/or silence.

Freelancing is a leap of faith in that way. Finding success has a lot to do with plugging away until you get the ball rolling. You have to be persistent. Keep your eye on the prize, put in the work, and it’ll pay off.

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Enroll in our online course, Find a Job Fast: The Job Search Accelerator For Career Professionals

4. Communications Skills

As a freelancer, you wear a lot of different hats. You’re the manager, employee, marketing person, accountant, and more. However, one of the most important roles you’ll play day-to-day, is that of a communications person. It’s up to you to handle all communication with clients, whether that’s through email, social media, or in person. 

Developing your professional relationships is so important in order to have consistent work and get good recommendations so your business can grow. So, be polite, professional, and always remember to follow up.

5. Creativity

Many freelance niches are creative by nature. And although it’s a career that’s becoming increasingly common with the rise of remote work, freelancing is still considered to be slightly unconventional. 

Being a freelancer will require you to be an out-of-the-box thinker, and that’s a strength you can play on. This is a career where creativity can really shine and you get to decide what sets you apart from others in the field. 

I know it can be easy to get caught up in the business side of things (which is still important), but it’s also important to remember that creativity is currency in this line of work. Anything from developing original content, to being a really creative problem solver is a strength.

6. Confidence

Remember, others will believe in you as long as you believe in yourself. This is especially important in the early stages of freelancing when you feel a little in over your head (which is totally normal by the way!). You obviously have to take previous work experience, worth, and finances into account, but if you show that you’re confident in the work you do, clients will follow your lead.

Freelancing involves a lot of “being your own brand” and you need to have confidence in that brand. This means believing that who you are and the work you produce is good enough. When you’re pitching to potential clients, setting rates, and marketing yourself, be confident and don’t sell yourself short.

7. Passion 

No matter your niche, one of the biggest reasons people hire freelancers is because they want and trust the quality of work that comes from someone who really cares about what they’re doing– because it shows. On your end, it’s obviously more meaningful and enjoyable to create work you’re passionate about. On your client’s end, the work you produce will translate more authentically to whoever their target audience is. 

I’ll be honest, though–being a freelancer isn’t for the faint-hearted; it takes a lot of different skill sets to create an independent business that thrives. But in the long run, your passion for whatever it is you’re doing will be a driving force to motivate you to keep going and ultimately, to succeed


Meet The Writer!

Hello! My name is Lea Rose and I am an avid writer with a love for all things international. I recently graduated from UNC Charlotte with degrees in Communication Studies as well as Dance Performance and hope to be a full time travel writer one day. My writing primarily focuses on the ways places and experience shape us as individuals. Please feel free to check out my blog or connect with me through LinkedIn or Instagram @writtenworldblog..



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