The Consequences Of Poor Trust In The Workplace

When we talk about trust in the workplace, we aren’t just talking about employees trusting their co-workers to cover for them when they take extended leave. We’re also talking about the faith employees have in their leaders and vice versa. 

Trust among all members of a workplace is imperative to the growth and success of any business. Without it, teams struggle to work cohesively from a place of productivity. Below, we’re closely exploring the consequences of poor trust in the workplace and discussing the importance of building and fostering these bonds.

The Consequences of Poor Trust in the Workplace

We all know that feeling when the energy in the office drops. When trust breaks down between leadership and employees, it doesn’t just affect morale. It can also lead to a serious drop in productivity.

Without trust, employees start to feel uncertain about how to perform their jobs. They question whether leadership appreciates their efforts and if leaders are reliable. This uncertainty breeds anxiety, which can quickly translate to disengagement and poor productivity.

Increased Turnover Rates

When employees don’t trust their leaders, it’s only a matter of time before they start looking for new opportunities. Many studies suggest that employees don’t leave their jobs because of the work itself but rather their managers and a lack of trust in these relationships.

This is especially true for younger generations, who are increasingly prioritizing workplace culture and relationships over compensation. Employment surveys indicate that younger generations would rather leave their jobs after six months if their leaders don’t value their contributions.

Stagnation in Business Growth

In an environment of distrust, employees are less likely to take risks. They hesitate to share innovative ideas, fearing they won’t be valued or, worse, criticized. This aversion stifles creativity and slows down progress, placing businesses at risk of falling behind more innovative competitors.

Additionally, a culture marked by distrust leads to poor collaboration and communication among teams. Without open communication, employees work in silos and are unable to share knowledge or support each other.

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Importance of Transparency and Communication

To build trust with their teams, leaders need to prioritize transparency and open communication. In the age of remote work and digital communication, it’s too easy for leaders to become disconnected from their teams.

Regular check-ins—including virtual ones—give employees a chance to voice their concerns and ask questions. These sessions help reassure employees that their leaders are actively investing in their well-being and success. And this reassurance goes a long way toward rebuilding trust.

Fostering a Culture of Accountability

Another aspect of trust-building is accountability. Trust isn’t just about leaders being transparent; it’s also about them taking responsibility for their actions. When leaders admit mistakes and learn from them, they demonstrate humility and authenticity.

Employees are more likely to trust leaders who model accountability. They feel encouraged to do the same, which further fosters a culture of trust and mutual respect throughout the organization.

When leaders take the time to build trust with their teams, everyone benefits. Employees feel more engaged and motivated, and this leads to improved productivity and lower turnover rates. Companies with high levels of trust often outperform their competitors in terms of profitability and growth.

Additional Readings:

Meet The Writer!

Hi! My name is Nadia Ibrahim-Taney and I help people design happy and fulfilling careers through authentic career coaching. My expertise includes career exploration guidance, resume writing, interview prep and LinkedIn profile optimization. My pronouns are She/ Her/ Hers and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I focus on how diverse identities impact and influence folks holistically and professionally. Please connect with me on LinkedIn or at 



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