Why You Shouldn't Let Linkedin Generate A Resume For You

The first task any job seeker needs to cross off on their to-do list is to make an updated resume. This can either be a daunting or tedious undertaking whether you are a fresh graduate or an experienced professional. That's why LinkedIn created a resume builder readily accessible on their site, in which you can easily generate a summary of your qualifications based on the information on your profile.

However, the professional networking site's resume builder may not be as helpful as it seems. Read on to know why you should not use LinkedIn to create a resume and what you can do instead to make an impactful document of the summation of your career.

Standard Template

Recruiters spend less than 10 seconds looking at an applicant’s resume, so you’ll want it to stand out from the rest. LinkedIn’s builder may have an attractive layout, but with many people starting to use it, yours will end up looking like everybody else’s resumes.

Simply put; you won’t be able to distinguish yourself from other candidates immediately.

What’s more, the template LinkedIn uses can be pretty boring. There are a lot of white spaces and, if you have extensive working experience, you’re bound to go over one page. This issue makes the final output unappealing to potential employers.

No Room For Customization

Another disadvantage of using LinkedIn’s resume builder is its lack of flexibility. The reason it’s convenient to use is because it uses information on your LinkedIn profile. That convenience is also a setback — you won’t be able to include details vital for the position you are aiming for unless it’s already on your profile, worded exactly how the job description does.

You don’t always have to change the content of your resume, especially if the jobs you’re applying for are similar to each other. However, there are instances when you have to alter certain information to match the position you want. Customizing your information can boost your chances of catching the attention of recruiters.

Buries Information

Since LinkedIn’s resume builder uses your profile to generate a career summary file, it also follows the format of your LinkedIn page. That means the generated resume will show your details as follows: name, contact information, summary, experiences, education, licenses and certifications, skills, and honors and awards.

With this order of information, a resume generated on LinkedIn buries vital details like skill and education entries at the bottom of its page. Your post-graduate certifications and training will also get buried under extensive career experience.

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Excludes Your Headline

A LinkedIn-generated resume will also exclude your headline. Having a good headline on your career summary offers recruiters a concise introduction to your professional background, which entices them to look at your document deeply. The absence of a headline could discourage them from spending any more time on your application.

It may not look bad for applicants, but employers will assume something is missing when they can’t immediately find the information they need.

Remember: Recruiters will spend less than 10 seconds looking at your resume, and if they can’t find the details they are looking for, your chances of securing an interview decreases.

How To Make An Attention-Grabbing Resume

LinkedIn’s resume builder is not necessarily bad, but it still has a long way to go before it can become the best résumé builder. It’s still best to start from scratch and use online templates as your guide. If you’re unsure how to start, here are a few things you can do to create a more enticing résumé:

  1. Keep it clean - Make sure that the overall layout of your resume is clean and easy to read. Break each section up into manageable chunks of information, with enough white spaces to keep them separate from each other. Take advantage of different fonts, spacings, and headings to keep the recruiter engaged and draw them deeper into the document.

  2. Make it easy to understand - Your resume is essentially a summary of your whole career. It’s important to make every element on it clear and easy to understand to avoid confusing recruiters. Go straight to the point and avoid using complex words.

  3. Strengthen your headline - A strong headline should build a strong case about you and your experiences. It’s one of the first things that recruiters read and if you have an impactful headline, you are more than likely to entice recruiters to spend more time reading the rest of your profile. However, it’s important to keep it short (about 1 to 2 sentences) to maintain the recruiter’s attention.

  4. Be specific -  Recruiters don’t want to be left guessing while reading an applicant’s resume, so make sure you specified the work you did and the accomplishments you’ve achieved. Providing precise details on what you’ve fulfilled adds value to your resume and helps you appear more notable.

LinkedIn’s resume builder offers an easy way to start creating a professional-looking summary of your career. However, it has limitations that prevent it from making an overall enticing resume. Whether it’s a dull template or burying crucial information, these kinds of setbacks are what make it difficult to create the perfect resume that fits the preferences of your prospective employer.

Instead, create a resume tailored for the position you want to secure. Using flexible templates, like those from Google Docs or Microsoft Word, allow you to customize your career summary document that includes vital details needed for the job.

If you’re looking to start a career in the creative field, it’s best to make a custom resume from scratch to show off your skills. Doing so also allows you to tailor the career summary that will satisfy both you and potential employers.


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Hello! My name is Kat and I hold a degree in Master of Science in Biology. I authored scientific journals about molecular biology. To take a break from the scientific pieces I'm working on, I am distressed by writing about lifestyle, business, tech, even general articles. Read my articles and you might learn a thing or two! You can connect with me through Twitter: @KatSarmiento007.



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