How US Employers View International Study And Work Experience When Hiring
Every study abroad experience tells a story and getting hired into a role is a gauntlet of basically just telling stories. From the stories on your resume to what you say in an interview, it is important to understand how your experiences position yourself for each interview.
4 Ways To Cut And Reduce Hidden Costs Of College
College and university life is not cheap. Whether you attend a local community college or a private, 4-year institution (and everything in-between), you are left looking for ways to cut costs or at least, reduce the amount of money leaving your bank account each month. Or perhaps you are just looking for ways to keep your Venmo account in the positive? Just me? Ok, cool cool.
In this article, we examine four ways to cut and reduce hidden costs of college and university life while keeping things reasonable- i.e. not living on $10 a week for groceries.
Tips For LinkedIn Banners That Don’t Make You Look Narcissistic
Using LinkedIn to establish, grow and amplify your professional brand is a strategic and relatively simple method of getting yourself out there.
In this article, we specifically look at your LinkedIn Banner, or background image. And how you can leverage it in a positive way that doesn't make you look narcissistic.
3 Tips To Ace Your Remote Job Interview
With the job market booming and many employers looking for people they know, can trust in a remote setting and people who can motivate and manage themselves, it’s no wonder recruiters and managers are revisiting old connections and acquittances. For those of you actually applying to jobs and not doing a casual catch up-turn-job-interview, here are my top tips to acing your remote job interviews.
Purchasing Products With Pride: All You Need To Know About Rainbow Capitalism
Also known as “pink capitalism”, rainbow capitalism is a term used to describe the commercialization and commodification of LGBTQ movements, most notably Pride. Rainbow capitalism centers around creating and selling Pride related products on or during the month of June with the pure intent of making profit.
How To Recognize Rainbow Washing During Pride Month
Is it just me or does EVERYONE seem really into Pride this year? Are companies becoming savvier in strategically incorporating the rainbow colors into their marketing and advertising approach during Pride month in what is now being called Rainbow Washing Simple answer- Yes. So let’s start with a definition.
How To Negotiate Your Salary (Tips and Examples)
Negotiating salary or fuller compensation packages (think paid time off, flexible work schedules, 401k matches etc.) is nearly always expected in professional roles now. Here are some tips and ways to advocate for yourself.
“Can’t Miss” Business Podcasts You Need to Follow in 2021
A good business podcast needs to be one that people want to voluntarily listen to. Allow the topics to weave from the personal to professional, from the company to the individual. And keep it changing! Here is my top can’t miss business podcasts for 2021.
To Follow or Connect? Simple Tips To Navigating LinkedIn Networking
There are two ways to network with folks on LinkedIn: Connections and Followers. Start leveraging and optimizing your profile to be found by folks, use hashtags when posting, follow hashtags that make sense for your area and engage with content posted by others and lastly, don’t be afraid to create your own content.
3 Lessons From A Month On Clubhouse
Clubhouse will be the new “professional” social media platform and will work alongside LinkedIn to showcase a person’s brand.
You will use LinkedIn to show your experience, connect and message people. You will use Clubhouse to show your impact, value and thought contribution to humanize what a person can read about you on LinkedIn.
Clubhouse: The Invite-Only Chat App Explained
Clubhouse is a basic social networking app that lets people gather in audio chat rooms to discuss various topics. From dating to finding a job, there are people in the world of Clubhouse likely talking about it.
The 6-Point Graduation Checklist for 2021 University Grads
Congratulations, you’re approaching the end of your collegiate career! Before embarking on your next adventure, here is a quick checklist to ensure a full wrap up of all things college.