5 Job Resolutions Career Professionals Should Make In 2023 and How To Keep Them

Happy New Year! Whether you are changing jobs or staying put in your current role, now is a great time to create (or revisit) your professional career goals. Here are 5 job resolutions career professionals should consider making to start the year off right in 2023.

1. Increase The Quality Of Your Networking

Networking is key to expanding your professional brand, meeting new people to collaborate on projects with and of course, finding new job opportunities. It’s also a great way to keep motivated and get inspired by people doing super cool things in your industry. This year, reflect on the quality of your networking. Are you connecting with people on LinkedIn but not engaging with them? Are you following up with people you meet at conferences or industry events?

A great job resolution all career professionals can make this year is an increased commitment to quality networking. That may look like:

  • Engaging with connections’ posts on LinkedIn

  • Asking people you are inspired by for informational interviews

  • Scheduling an hour a week for coffee chats with people you already know

  • Supporting someone in your network in finding a new job

Be sure to have SMART goals as it relates to your networking. Are you assessing success based on quantitative metrics such as the number of connections you make a week or qualitative metrics such as the number of chats you do and the quality of the chats you have with folks. Either way, get SMART with your goals and create an intentional strategy to help you get there.  

2. Build and Develop Your LinkedIn Presence

For most career professionals, LinkedIn is the number one platform for networking, building a professional presence and finding jobs. The best advice I ever got as a career coach on how to make LinkedIn work for me was to 1) be consistent in my engagement and 2) be authentic in my engagement.

Networking is a way to builds trust in your industry, and that sense of trust can make you stand out from other job candidates in your field, when the time comes that you need a new role. Each industry is a little different, but who you know can make a big difference. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for connections; it means you have initiative!

Looking for more support on how to level up your LinkedIn game? Check out our free 30- Day LinkedIn Challenge Digital Download in our Freebies section!

Need Help With Your Job Search?

Enroll in our online course, Find a Job Fast: The Job Search Accelerator For Career Professionals

3. Invest In Professional Development

Post-college, it’s hard to consider investing more money, time and energy into learning new things but it’s an absolute game changer in helping you grow, mature and succeed in your career. Consider having a conversation with your employer about how they can best (financially and time wise) support you in investing in professional development this year. From online learning to conferences, there are loads of ways to professionally develop in your career, get creative!  

4. Volunteer More (or at all)

There are many career benefits you earn from volunteering, least of all is networking connections, community service and a feeling of pride and passion towards a cause. By incorporating volunteer work into your job resolutions this year, you'll gain access to a more diverse set of contacts, new ideas, skill boosting, knowledge of other markets and a renewed sense of energy and passion.   

5. Consider Your Holistic Health More Intentionally

No one said having it all would be easy! If you are a rock star professional that is absolutely smashing it at work but feeling a little unbalanced in your well-being routine, you’re not alone. Experimenting and designing a well-being that feels authentically you is the next level in your career.

In our Developing An Authentic Holistic Well-Being Routine For Career Professionals Workbook you’ll think, feel, do and reflect on ways to align your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual selves so you can continue to thrive at home and at work. Once you align your holistic health, you can begin to explore healthier relationships with work, people, and yourself. Talk about a standout new year’s resolution to kick off the new year!

These are just 5 simple job resolutions career professionals should consider making to start the year off right in 2023. The key to success is to create realistic goals that align with what you truly want to get out of work and life this year. If these resolutions don’t resonate you, consider what resolutions would make a difference in your life and get to work on making them happen! 



Meet The Writer!

Hi! My name is Nadia Ibrahim-Taney and I help people design happy and fulfilling careers through authentic career coaching. My expertise includes career exploration guidance, resume writing, interview prep and LinkedIn profile optimization. My pronouns are She/ Her/ Hers and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I focus on how diverse identities impact and influence folks holistically and professionally. Please connect with me on LinkedIn or at Nadia@beyonddiscoverycoaching.com



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