Pros and Cons of Open vs. Private Office Spaces

Discover the pros and cons of open vs. private office spaces and what each room layout offers to your company’s working conditions and dynamics.

Running a business includes providing ideal working conditions that aid your enterprise’s success. Many factors of a workspace affect your business’ productivity, company culture, and reputation, from lighting to color scheme. Your office’s layout also influences work dynamics. Here are the pros and cons of both open and private office spaces and which layout best suits your company.

Open Space Design Concept

Pro: Increased Collaboration

Open workspaces encourage a collaborative environment. The large open floor plan allows people to gather in groups more easily. It also provides adequate space for collaborative workstations like lounge areas and round meeting desks. With more space to accommodate teamwork, employees are more likely to communicate, reach out, and work in groups together.

Pro: Community-Centered Culture

Open office spaces break down barriers, physically and socially connecting people. Without walls or dividers in the way, it is easier to reach out to colleagues and communicate during the work day. Sharing a workspace with others creates a bonding experience, encourages open communication, and brings people together, producing a strong community-centered work culture.

Con: Focus Distractions

There are many details to consider when designing a workplace, including efficient layouts that cater to people’s different work styles. Some people can drown out background sounds with ease. Others perform better in silence. Open workspaces create highly stimulated working conditions, with people chattering and multiple computer keyboards clacking all at once. They produce lots of distractions for those who are easily overstimulated, hindering their performance and focus.

Con: Lack of Privacy

Being around people all day can drain some people’s energy, especially introverted folks. Even if you keep interactions to a minimum, being immersed in a highly social space causes people to wear down fast. Open workspaces provide minimal privacy, forcing people to spend a large chunk of their day socializing.

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Private Office Space Layouts

Pro: Independent Working Conditions

Independence encourages personal growth. It forces people to work on their skills, from problem-solving and adaptation to mental stamina and self-discipline. Private office spaces allow people to foster their independence at work. It pushes them to grow individually without relying on others.

Pro: Minimal Distractions

Secluded spaces mean minimal distractions. It reduces the cacophony of sounds in your workspace and minimizes stimulation. Compared with a shared area, a private space gives individuals more control over their working conditions. It allows them to create their ideal workspace.

Con: Seclusive Work Culture

Private workspaces separate people. Although independence leads to personal benefits, it also affects your company’s community. It means less culture as people spend their workdays prioritizing themselves and the work in front of them over networking. Walls and dividers create more than just physical barriers.

Con: Lack of Warmth and Comfort

Open floor plans produce a community-centered atmosphere that welcomes people with open arms. Private workspaces or cubicles in an office produce a less welcoming and warm environment. They lean toward a more professional and strict atmosphere. To many, this kind of workplace is too intense for comfort, hindering their work performance.

Best Office Space Design For You

Whether an open or private office space best suits your company’s needs depends on the advantages you prioritize. If your company’s philosophy is more communal and culture-based, an open-floor plan will work better. For businesses that are more work-over-play, then private workstations provide more benefits.



Meet The Writer!

Hi! My name is Nadia Ibrahim-Taney and I help people design happy and fulfilling careers through authentic career coaching. My expertise includes career exploration guidance, resume writing, interview prep and LinkedIn profile optimization. My pronouns are She/ Her/ Hers and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I focus on how diverse identities impact and influence folks holistically and professionally. Please connect with me on LinkedIn or at



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