How Effective Communication Skills Help Advance Your Career

No matter how good you are at your job, getting recognised for your competency and capabilities can be hard if you’re not able to truly sell yourself. It’s clear that communication skills are key to successfully working your way up the professional ladder – but, how exactly can you make use of this soft skill to achieve the best results? Coming up, we take a look at how your communicative abilities can help you to advance professionally.

Landing A Role

Communicating your skills and abilities is key to landing any role, whether that’s through your online professional profile, your resume, or at an interview. Great communication skills encompass more than just verbal expression, and being able to get the right words down on paper can go a long way to helping you secure your dream job.

Effective communicators know that CVs should be clear and concise, and are able to sell themselves in just a few words. By knowing which keywords are most significant and impressive to employers, you can optimise your job applications to stand out, and increase the likelihood of being selected for an interview.

Of course, once you reach that final interview stage, the ability to express yourself verbally is key – there are plenty of skills and techniques that you should work on prior to any interview, to ensure that you’re able to answer each question with confidence.

Pitching Ideas

It’s easy to see your progress halt once you’ve started in a new role if you don’t take the steps to develop your skill set and advance even further. In order to stay on top of your professional development you’re going to want to be in continuous communication with your team, in order to stay proactive in your work and commitment to the company.

This could mean pitching ideas, or flagging areas for improvement – ultimately, using your ability to communicate to show your employer that you’re capable and a valuable asset to the company. The more you do so, the more likely you are to see new opportunities come your way, such as an increase in responsibility or a promotion.

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Enroll in our online course, Find a Job Fast: The Job Search Accelerator For Career Professionals

Selling A Product

No matter what your business is, some element of transaction will be involved, whether you’re selling a product, a service, or an idea.

At the core of effective selling is an ability to connect with your customers or clients, to express exactly why they should choose your services and how they will benefit from them. You need to be able to express yourself in a way that exudes trustworthiness and competence, as well as creativity and ambition.

Whether you’re communicating with clients or customers of your own business, or selling on behalf of a larger company, increasing your profitability by making sales is guaranteed to improve your professional status.

Solve Any Problem

No matter what hurdles you face at work, an ability to communicate effectively means that you can solve almost any problem, through collaborating with others and expressing your wants and needs. When you make it a priority to boost your communication skills, you’re likely to find a number of exciting new opportunities open up to you.


Meet The Writer!

Ellen Hughes is a career coach with a passion for helping professionals upskill. She believes that effective communication is key to building strong relationships in the workplace and achieving both professional and personal success.



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