Ways You Can Improve Your Business’s Website

A webpage is an invaluable tool for any company looking to thrive in their respective industry. A website not only serves as a place to house all relevant company information but can direct potential clients straight to you. But having an online page in and of itself doesn’t guarantee success, so it’s essential to be aware of some ways you can improve your company’s website and facilitate increased business.

Maintain a Modern Design and User Interface

Websites don’t look the same as they did 20 years ago; like everything else, business pages need to change and update for the current times. Often, updating your website means adjusting the user interface (UI) to ensure potential customers can easily navigate individual pages. An outdated UI can frustrate potential customers and can seem unprofessional.

Optimize For Mobile

Along with updating your site’s UI, it’s critical to ensure your webpage works on mobile devices. Over the last decade, smartphones have become one of the most common ways people access the internet, so making your site mobile-friendly will ensure everyone can visit your business online.

Improve Website Loading Speed

For users, there are few things more frustrating than trying to navigate a website that loads slowly. They want to access information as quickly as possible, and if they run into unreasonable loading times, they’re likely to leave your webpage. Provide potential customers with a smooth experience and avoid losing any business due to an unoptimized site.

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Common Website Slowdowns

Be aware of a few common causes of slow loading speeds:

  • Your content management system is out of date. Regularly check for system software updates and keep ahead of any changes for optimal performance.

  • You have too many ads on your site. The more ads you have, the more of a strain it puts on your HTTP requests, resulting in slower load times.

  • Your server may be wearing out. The older your server is, the more difficulty it will have maintaining ideal performance.

Keep Information Up to Date

As previously mentioned, your website is the home for all of your important company information, which means you need to keep it updated. Whether you need to add more product pages, update item or service descriptions, or change service areas, make sure you provide accurate information at all times. If an individual requests a service you no longer provide, they’ll most likely leave frustrated and seek out other companies.

Leverage SEO

In addition to updating site information, it’s important to upload SEO content to your webpage. If you choose to utilize SEO, you can also leverage authentic user-generated content to boost your brand. Neglecting this avenue of marketing would only serve as a detriment to your long-term business success.

Make the Most of Your Website

Utilizing these ways to improve your business’s website can allow you to cast a wider net in the digital space, bringing in customers who may have otherwise overlooked your services. Make the most of your webpage to ensure you stand out from the competition.


Meet The Writer!

Hi! My name is Nadia Ibrahim-Taney and I help people design happy and fulfilling careers through authentic career coaching. My expertise includes career exploration guidance, resume writing, interview prep and LinkedIn profile optimization. My pronouns are She/ Her/ Hers and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I focus on how diverse identities impact and influence folks holistically and professionally. Please connect with me on LinkedIn or at Nadia@beyonddiscoverycoaching.com 



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