Promised Position Not Materializing? Here's What To Do.

You started your job with the promise of a promotion on the horizon. Whether you are an intern or entry level employee, you've put in the hard work, demonstrated your commitment, and eagerly anticipated the next step in your career. However, as time goes on, you find yourself in a situation where the promised promotion has yet to materialize. 

This can be a disheartening and confusing experience leaving you unsure about what your next steps should be. Fear not – there are constructive steps you can take to navigate this situation and ensure your career continues to progress. Here’s how. 

1. Assess the Situation

Before taking any action, it's crucial to fully understand the scope of the promise made to you. Reflect on the details of the promotion, including the timeline, new responsibilities, and potential benefits. Additionally, review any communication, conversations, or documentation related to the promise. This will help clarify your expectations and provide a solid foundation for moving forward.

If you don’t have this information, you need to consider if the promise of promotion was actually made or not. The workplace can be a very gray area, where things are implied without being said or communicated directly from manager to employee, which leads to misinterpretation and misunderstandings. Be aware that your perception of the situation might not actually be true or in alignment with your manager’s perception.

2. Self-Assessment

Now, if you have determined you were indeed promised a role and it’s not coming fast enough for you, time to start getting your facts ready for a conversation with your manager. Take an honest look at your performance. Do your current achievements and contributions align with the expectations of the promoted role? Identify any areas where you may need improvement – whether it's gaining additional skills, acquiring more experience, or developing specific qualifications.

3. Initiate a Conversation

For many, this will be the toughest step in this process but learning how to advocate for yourself in the workplace is perhaps one of the greatest professional skills we develop as employees. Once you have assessed the situation and yourself, you are ready to engage in an open and honest conversation with your manager.

Request a private meeting to discuss your career progression and the promised promotion. Be sure to craft your conversation using "I" statements that express your dedication to the company while sharing your anticipation of the promotion. Remember, this is about YOUR promotion, make sure the focus stays on YOU. 

4. Request Feedback

Depending on how the conversation goes with your manager, you may consider seeking feedback on your performance and candidacy for the promotion. Ask for insights into areas where you might need improvement to become a stronger contender and a timeline you should need to show your growth. This demonstrates your commitment to personal growth and can provide valuable guidance for your career path. This also puts you in a position to be actively working towards the promotion vs. just waiting around hoping your boss gives you one. 

5. Seek Clarity

If both you and your manager agree you’re ready for promotion, ok great!, let’s get some clarity on when said promotion will be forthcoming. During your conversation with your manager, inquire about the reasons behind the delay in your promotion. Respectfully express your desire for clarity and understanding. And if possible, discuss a new timeline for the promotion or the steps you need to take to make it a reality.

6. Document Everything

As a career coach who works with a lot of HR folks, I can’t tell you how important it is in your professional career to document everything! Maintaining a detailed record of your conversations, emails, and any commitments made serves as a valuable resource, should promised promotions not materialize, you now have evidence to take to HR. 

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7. Consider Alternatives

While your heart might be set on a vertical promotion, being open to exploring lateral moves might actually be your best play here. These opportunities can broaden your skill set and make you an even stronger candidate for future promotions. If your current company isn’t seeing your value and taking active steps to develop you, time to hit the road! 

8. Continuous Improvement

All career professionals learn the value of lifelong learning. It’s how we keep growing after school but most importantly, it helps us refine our expertise and direction in our careers. Now is the time to act on the feedback you've received from your manager and mentors. Address any areas that need improvement and actively work on acquiring the skills necessary for the desired promotion. 

9. Network and Mentorship

I talk about this often with clients, but remember, people hire people, not just perfectly formatted resumes and standout cover letters- although those things certainly help. Forging connections with colleagues and mentors to leverage their guidance and advice is invaluable as you seek promotion or perhaps even a new job outside the organization. So, be sure you are cultivating and keeping your network active and growing. 

10. Reassess and Decide

After completing the first nine steps, it’s time to go back to steps 1 and 2- reflect. Reflect on your efforts and any changes in the situation. Based on your assessment, you must now decide whether to continue pursuing the promotion within your current organization or explore new avenues. There is no right or wrong answer, you just need to listen to yourself, to others around you that you trust most and make a decision based on the information you have in front of you. 

I know this can be an emotional situation. Despite the frustration and feeling let down by your company, it's essential to maintain professionalism and a positive attitude. Remember that setbacks are a natural part of the journey. Continue to excel in your current role, showcasing your dedication to growth regardless of the promotion and see if it takes you up or out of the organization. 


Meet The Writer!

Hi! My name is Nadia Ibrahim-Taney and I help people design happy and fulfilling careers through authentic career coaching. My expertise includes career exploration guidance, resume writing, interview prep and LinkedIn profile optimization. My pronouns are She/ Her/ Hers and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I focus on how diverse identities impact and influence folks holistically and professionally. Please connect with me on LinkedIn or at 



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