What Are LinkedIn Audio Events?

If you’ve spent time on LinkedIn recently, you may have noticed a lot more Live events and Audio events being pushed your way. From content creators to leading industry experts, social networking and live interactions are back! Here is all you need to know about LinkedIn’s new event tool, LinkedIn Audio. 

How New Is LinkedIn Audio?

LinkedIn launched a test version of Live Audio events in January of 2022 after watching the success of other platforms like Twitter with Spaces, Facebook with Live Audio Rooms and  Clubhouse. While the concept of getting folks in a digital room and organically chatting isn’t new, it’s definitely caught fire in the past year. As of now, any LinkedIn user can create, launch or join a LinkedIn Audio event giving a lot of freedom to individual folks who aren’t representing businesses or aren’t in creator mode. 

What Are LinkedIn Audio Events?

LinkedIn Audio are events where LinkedIn members can gather and communicate via audio. They can be structured, unstructured, democratically run or follow a more traditional lecture style of communication where an expert professess their expertise in a particular area.

At its basic, LinkedIn Audio events must be at least 15 minutes long (max is 3 hours) and the host must have 150 followers and/or connections, although anyone on LinkedIn can attend an event regardless of follower/connection totals. All events are subject to LinkedIn rules, regulations and community policies.

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Why Should I Attend LinkedIn Audio Events?

What I like most about LinkedIn Audio events is the interconnectedness between the event and people’s profiles, i.e. the ability to network with someone right away. This was always a disadvantage of Clubhouse in that you had to connect somewhere else in the digital world such as email, Instagram, Twitter or you guessed it, LinkedIn. 

LinkedIn Audio gives you the ability to message people you are in a shared audio event with without you having to be connected with them or having to purchase LinkedIn Premium. This is very similar to LinkedIn Groups. So you can jump on an Audio event, listen to some folks talk, send them a message and connect with them all on the same platform! Pretty cool, right?!

What Are Some LinkedIn Audio Events To Get Me Started?

Simply jumping into events can feel really daunting to some folks. Consider joining events where you know people already or super beginner friendly. Here at Beyond Discovery Coaching, we do at least 1 LinkedIn Audio Event a month. Check out our Events page to see what topics we’ve got coming up (and what we’ve completed recently). 

Are LinkedIn Audio Events Here To Stay?

My opinion, yes. I think there is a lot more functionality with LinkedIn Audio vs. other competitors. LinkedIn Audio events aren’t massively different from LinkedIn Live events and Lives have stood the test of time. I would like to see Audio Events evolve a bit more with some additional features (recording option please!) but otherwise, it’s a very easy to use and engaging platform that even the least technical person in the room won’t feel intimidated at trying to mute and unmute themselves. 

Feel free to join me at our next LinkedIn Audio Event! Whether you want to speak or just want to come check it out, you are welcome to join or lurk :) 


Meet The Writer!

Hi! My name is Nadia Ibrahim-Taney and I help people design happy and fulfilling careers through authentic career coaching. My expertise includes career exploration guidance, resume writing, interview prep and LinkedIn profile optimization. My pronouns are She/ Her/ Hers and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I focus on how diverse identities impact and influence folks holistically and professionally. Please connect with me on LinkedIn or at Nadia@beyonddiscoverycoaching.com



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