Top Mistakes People Make On Their Resumes
There are a lot of tips out there on how to make your resume great—what to write, what type of design template to use, important add-ons, etc. And while these things are so important, we’re going to take it back to basics and cover 5 simple and preventable mistakes that are easily and often overlooked when creating resumes.
10 Ways To Calm Pre-College Nerves
College is a huge step and you should be proud of yourself for getting to this point. In this post, I’m going to cover 10 ways to calm your pre-college nerves. Hopefully, you can take something that resonates with you so you feel a little more confident heading into your first semester.
How and When to Revisit Your Goals
You’ve probably set some professional goals for 2022 (I like to call them intentions, not resolutions). I’ve found that the best way to create, revisit, and accomplish my goals is to break them up into two main categories: short term and long term. Join me as we look into how and when to revisit your goals.
Two Simple Steps To Forge More Time And Optimize Your Workday
How many of us have said 'I need more time in my day' or have finished the workday feeling like we didn't get everything done? I began my year with the intention of solving this problem for myself. And what I tried, not only worked surprisingly well for me, but became a complete game changer!
6 Ways to Maximize Your Work Productivity
Managing your time more carefully can help you be more productive at work, but it is not rocket science. Productivity is knowing what you can do to compress more tasks in less time. Here are 6 ways to maximize your work productivity and do more for less.
How To Batch Content For Instagram
Do you struggle with creating Instagram content? Creating content can seem like a full-time job sometimes, but it doesn’t have to! There are ways you can make content creation easier by batching your content. By using the tips in this article, you can spend a little less time worrying about what to post next!
How Branding Yourself Can Revitalize Your Job Search
In today’s job market and increasingly digitalized world, branding yourself is one of the best things you can do to help revitalize your job search. Here are three ways you can brand yourself with examples and tips to get started.
How To Create Happiness In The Workplace
As an employer, keeping employees happy is highly important. Moving beyond traditional work practices, how can you create happiness in your workplace while ensuring your business goals are achieved? Here are some simple tips to kickstart a positive environment to help boost your employees’ morale!
What To Do When You Can't Find Happiness At Work
Do we work to live or live to work? This is only one of many questions we inevitably ask ourselves on particularly stressful days when we start to question why we’re even doing the things we do. In this post, we’ll talk about ways to find happiness at work when it doesn’t seem to be happening organically.
Soft Skills Employees Need In The 2022 Job Market
Studies show there’s a rising emphasis on soft skills, a.k.a., skills that don’t require a degree or specific knowledge, but rather one’s ability to effectively interact with others and solve problems. In this article, we’ll cover seven important soft skills you’ll need as we enter 2022.
Cover Letters: What Are They And Why Do I Need One?
How many times have you found out your dream job is hiring only to see that they want you to submit a cover letter along with your resume? Yikes! Forget that, nope, can’t do it. Next! So let’s talk about what a cover letter even is, why you should have one, and how you can curate your cover letter to your dream job.
Why Do You Hate Zoom Meetings in 2022?
I’m about to ruffle some feathers with this one but I’ll just come out and say it. I don’t like Zoom. In 2022, let’s do away with Zoom meetings and instead, bring back the art of the email. Let’s go full-body pajama wear and reserve the right to leave our cameras off and our mics muted! These are the top 3 reasons I hate Zoom meetings going into 2022.