Nadia Ibrahim-Taney Nadia Ibrahim-Taney

4 Steps Young Professionals Can Take To Get Hired Right Now

Navigating the job world can seem overwhelming, especially if you’re just breaking onto the scene. It can even feel impossible to stand out in a sea of other applicants—trust me, I’ve been there—but all of this doesn’t have to feel so intimidating. With these simple, actionable steps, you can up your job game and improve your overall hireability.

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Nadia Ibrahim-Taney Nadia Ibrahim-Taney

3 Ways To Determine If An Employer Supports Mental Health At Work

Many businesses are incorporating mental health days into their work policies to not only de-stigmatizes the topic of mental health but also providing the support employees need when it comes to mental health in the workplace. If you’re on the hunt for a new gig and hoping to score some mental health perks aligned with your life, here are some key things you can look for from future employers

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Nadia Ibrahim-Taney Nadia Ibrahim-Taney

Why You Should Be Networking With Your Competition

When you consider the term networking, you likely think of formal events where you speak to more experienced people in your industry in hopes of gaining knowledge or connections leading to job opportunities. But what if you intentionally networked with your competition? Making connections with those on your level is both socially fulfilling and the start to a mutually beneficial relationship- so why wouldn't you want to network with your competition?

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Nadia Ibrahim-Taney Nadia Ibrahim-Taney

Boss vs. Leader: What’s The Difference?

A boss is usually the highest person at a company or organization. Leaders, on the other hand often take a more open and guided approach, wanting to lead their team by setting a good example themselves. Although these two labels can often go hand in hand, they’re pretty different when you break things down.

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Nadia Ibrahim-Taney Nadia Ibrahim-Taney

3 Ways To Boost Your Motivation As A Freelancer

Everyone struggles with motivation at one time or another and freelancers are no different. Staying motivated throughout the workday and a freelancing career will no doubt have its highs and lows. No one is “on” 100% of the time and that’s okay! Here are some techniques to help keep you motivated!

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Nadia Ibrahim-Taney Nadia Ibrahim-Taney

4 Simple Ways To Becoming Empowered In Your Networking Journey

Everyone makes networking seem simple: talk to strangers, make a good impression, and hope it leads somewhere. Easy enough, right? Not really. In an effort to make your experience more empowering rather than anxiety-inducing and intimidating, check out four tips to help get you started on your own networking journey.

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Nadia Ibrahim-Taney Nadia Ibrahim-Taney

15 Point Checklist To Preparing For College and University Career Fairs

Many young professionals get their first opportunities at career fairs. Career fairs help us: network, start building your list of preferred employers, obtain information about companies and learn about potential jobs/internships. Check out our 15 point checklist to smashing your next on-campus recruitment event!

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Nadia Ibrahim-Taney Nadia Ibrahim-Taney

Networking 101: My First College Networking Experience

Professionals at networking events are there to give you the chance to meet people in your preferred field so you can ask them questions (about how they got their career, what they do, what advice they may have; anything! ). If you are lucky you may get a career opportunity or make a connection that will later lead to an opportunity- otherwise, you still get something extremely invaluable: insight.

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Nadia Ibrahim-Taney Nadia Ibrahim-Taney

5 Ways To Start Your School Year Stress-Free

Balancing the demands of college and university life (never mind if you are working a job too!) is an ever evolving science and to be honest, a bit of an art. Know yourself, trust yourself, and surround yourself with good people that love and support you helping you keep grounded, safe and thriving in your journey. Above all else- have fun! Welcome back to campus scholars- let’s get to learning and growing!

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Nadia Ibrahim-Taney Nadia Ibrahim-Taney

3 Signs It’s Time To Quit A Bad Job

Quitting a job can be a daunting mission. Deep down, you’re probably full of courage, ready and waiting to say all the things you really want to say to your boss about how you feel towards your job. You know you deserve a healthy work environment and are being called to move into something new. There are some tell-tale signs that make it easy for you to know when it’s time to hit the road and say goodbye.

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Nadia Ibrahim-Taney Nadia Ibrahim-Taney

Hiring And Creating A Successful Multi-Generational Workforce

My top tip for hiring and creating a multigenerational workforce is to take the time to get to know the individuals that make up your team. Learn their strengths, weaknesses, passion projects and hobbies. Find ways to value their uniqueness and support them in aligning their personal goals with the company’s goals. If you focus on creating a place people want to work, diverse folks from all generations and backgrounds will thrive.

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Nadia Ibrahim-Taney Nadia Ibrahim-Taney

4 Reasons Why Employers Admire UK Degrees on Resumes

Sipping tea at a quaint little English village cafe all morning or museum hopping for an afternoon in London are absolutely pivotal experiences when studying a degree in the UK, but are these the elements you want to highlight on your resume or talk about in interviews? Of course not! So let’s discuss four different reasons why employers admire Americans earning a degree in the UK.

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